Is Guo Zhongyang a liar?
Therefore, those who do it without seeing it will see the opposite. Those who don't say how they feel are wrong. Getting your own feelings is to control your own skills, which can be used, used in and used out. Therefore, sages create things and use them as prophets to destroy everything. Take a husband's virtue, righteousness, courtesy and loyalty, take poetry and books first, mix gains and losses, and talk about it. Those who want to be together use it inside, and those who want to go use it outside. People inside and outside must count Ming Dow. If you think about something, you will doubt it. If you make a mistake, you will make meritorious deeds and enter the industry. There is no cure for the upper darkness, and there is no chaos in the lower, and vice versa. Be complacent and not stay outside, say and fly, if life comes, welcome it. If you want to go, deal with it because it is dangerous. Turn around, don't know what to do, settle for second best.