The emperor visited Yanzhou, ordered Cui Ting to accompany him, and asked about the strategy of border management. By the way, when talking about the article, the emperor was very happy and said; I've been away from you for almost two years. The article I wrote has been compiled into an episode, and now I will send you a copy.
Turning to the courtier, he said, People who command the army are all like Cui Ting. What is there to worry about? Return to Yanzhou. When Zhang Yi, a regular Sanda attendant, inspected the local customs, she said, I accepted the task of visiting local counties, checking taxes, listening to opinions and evaluating the achievements of local officials. (Seeing your beautiful administration) I am really ashamed of my mission. At that time, many people who were sent to the frontier because of crimes escaped, so the court made a heavy law, stipulating that one person, the criminal escaped, and the whole family acted as corvee. Cui Ting wrote that Zhou Shu has long stipulated that father and son should not be implicated in each other because of who is guilty. Isn't it sad that one person commits a crime and implicates the whole family? The words in the book of exhortation were just right, and the emperor adopted his suggestion.
There was a lack of iron stone in the state before, and iron tools were found from other places. Cui Ting reinstated officials in charge of railways, and both the government and the people relied on interests. Zhong Zheng's task in each county is to picket the mistakes of officials; Emperor Xiaowen separated the clans in the world, and with the help of these people's visits, Cui Ting was awarded the post of Zhengzhong in this state. There was an old man in Yexian who was over ninety years old, and he was entrusted to visit Cui Ting in the state. He claimed to have been an official in Linyi when he was young, and got a beautiful jade, one foot four inches long, which was very glorious and had been hidden on the island for nearly sixty years.
I met Cui Zheng, and now I am willing to cover for him. Cui Ting said: Although my virtue is not as good as that of the ancients, I still can't regard jade as a treasure.
Send a boat to follow the old man. Jade is as warm as the old man said, but Cui Ting refused to accept it at last and sent it to Beijing. In the early years of Jingming, he went to Daizhou, and the people followed him with tears and gave him silk gifts, but they all refused.
(The following is the following)
Sanshou riding often waits on Zhao Xiu, which won the favor of Xuanzong. Although Cui Ting was born in the same county, he has never visited. Beihai Wang Xiang was appointed as Stuart and recorded history, and Cui Ting was appointed as Sima. Cui Ting resolutely refused to leave her post. At that time, people were very sympathetic to him, but Cui Ting was very dull. In the selection of officials in charge of Beihai Wang Xiang, many officials rushed to exaggerate their achievements and hoped to be promoted, but Cui Ting didn't say a word. Beihai Wang said in detail: Cui Guangzhou's level has not improved, and he should be given a copy to apply. Chi is ashamed to be a gentleman alone. Why didn't you say anything? Cui Ting said: Rank is an important event in the imperial court, and assessment is a long-standing national criterion. I am ashamed to brag about my achievements in order to get promoted. ? Beihai Wang appreciated it in detail. He served as Sima, and Wang Xiang of Beihai never called him by his first name, only by his official name to show his respect and preferential treatment. After his death, he was posthumously awarded as a general of the auxiliary country and a secretariat of Youzhou.
At the beginning, when Cui Guang was down and out, Cui Ting gave him clothes and food and often expressed his respect. Xing Luan and Song Yang discovered their talents when they were young, and the world praised him for his ability to distinguish talents. After more than 30 years as an official, there is no extra property, simple food, no silk, and the women at home live in harmony. Children are required to be respectful and humble, with filial piety as the font size. At the time of burial, relatives and friends presented many things to help with the funeral. His sons don't accept it at all, because Cui Ting has an ordinary personality.