Wang Xun grew up under the influence of Wang Xizhi. He was deeply impressed by what Wang Xizhi, who represented the character of literati in Wei and Jin Dynasties, did, and his heart was full of admiration. He followed Wang Xizhi's example in everything and tried to imitate his every move, especially his calligraphy.
Wang Xun not only imitated Wang Xizhi to build the Mo Chi in his own home, but also prepared a whole 18 cylinder of water specially used for grinding ink. When Wang Xizhi asked his son to practice calligraphy, he only specified 15 cylinders. Visible Wang Xun is how eager to practice good handwriting.
In order to practice calligraphy well, Wang Xun left home and went to Wang Xizhi's home. He accompanied Wang Xianzhi, listened to Wang Xizhi's teachings, and practiced calligraphy with Wang Xianzhi seriously. Wang Xun and Wang Xianzhi are very talented and diligent children. They compare each other in the process of practicing calligraphy to see whose handwriting is better and closer to Wang Xizhi's calligraphy. On one occasion, when Wang Xun saw Wang Xianzhi's handwriting, he found that there was a "dot" in it, which was full of charm. No matter how he imitated it, he couldn't. So he went to ask Wang Xianzhi, "Dear brother, how do you spell this word?" Why can't I write this smell? "
Wang Xianzhi looked at Wang Xun's handwriting, blushed and said, "After I finish writing, let my father show me. As a result, my father wrote a little on this word and said nothing after that. Later, I showed my handwriting to my mother Xuanxuan. My mother read the whole handwriting and told me that it was just a bit like Xizhi. And this point was written by my father himself, which is what you mean. Later, my mother told me that it is not enough to write well with talent, but also to practice hard and sum up the rules. Then practice after learning the lesson, step by step. "
After listening to Wang Xianzhi, Wang Xun also understood the meaning of the words, so he calmed down, put away his frivolous mentality and went back to his study to practice his writing. Finally, he and Wang Xianzhi became great calligraphers in the history of China calligraphy.
Yuan Bo Post by Wang Xun is second only to Lu Ji's Ping Fu Post, and it is the supreme treasure. Its calligraphy style is mature cursive script with natural strokes. Every word is independent, quaint and free and easy. Shen Feng, unique to the Jin people, can win honor with the two kings. Later, it was collected by Emperor Qianlong of Qing Dynasty in Sanxi Hall.
Wang Xun's books are elegant and fluent, vigorous and clever, with meticulous words, different sizes and dense, even if the letters are handwritten, they are more beautiful. The brushwork is vigorous and beautiful, natural and smooth.
In this post, Wang Xun's strokes are relatively fine and the structure is relatively open, especially the words with few strokes are particularly elegant in Shu Lang, which is really a bit like the charm of Jin people, such as "From the first day, it is like a breeze, like clouds and smoke, like a winding path in a secluded forest", which is a leader in ancient calligraphy works.
Wang Xun