Five hundred miles of Dianchi Lake, running to the fundus, draped on the shore, happy and boundless. The east sees God, the west sees spirit, the north sees collaterals and the south sees mourning. It is better to choose the winner than to board the board. Take advantage of the crab island snail state, comb and wrap the windward fog temples. It is even flatter, dotted with some jade feathers and Danxia. Don't be lonely. There are fragrant rice, clear sand, September hibiscus and March willow.
A thousand years ago, remember to my heart, empty the wine, sigh who is the hero! I want to learn from China Ship, Tang Biao Iron Column, Song yu fu and Yuan Dynasty Leather Bag. Wei Lie played an important role in moving mountains and rivers. Draw a building with a bead curtain, and the volume is not as good as the sunset rain. Then I broke the wreckage and gave it all to the pale smoke. Only won a few pestle bells, half a river fishing, two rows of autumn geese and a pillow to clear the frost.