Wang Xizhi's eldest son-Wang Xuanzhi?
Wang Xuanzhi, Wang Xizhi's eldest son, is called Yuan Bo, and he is a cursive and official script. In the ninth year of Yonghe, it was dark in the morning of late spring, and Wang Xizhi wrote the world-famous work Preface to Lanting. This time, in addition to inviting friends, he specially brought his own children, including Wang Xuanzhi, and wrote a poem: "Pine and bamboo stand on a cliff, and still streams stir clear water." Dissipate emotions, bright and clear, there is a post passed down from generation to generation.
Wang Ningzhi, the second son of Wang Xizhi.
Wang Ningzhi, the word Shu Ping. He has served as Jiangzhou secretariat, Zuo general, Huiji literature and history, and also worked as a cursive script and official script. Wang Ningzhi once wrote in Preface to Lanting Collection: "It is magnificent. The nest is full of steps. The ghost heart is really sent. I have returned to the same place for thousands of years, and I pray for spring. Travel with words. Free and unfettered "sentence. His wife is Xie Daowen, a famous talented woman and a rare female poet in the history of China. After Xie Daowen married the Wangs, once, brother-in-law and Wang Xianzhi quarreled because of Confucianism, and finally they didn't get along. At this time, Xie Daowen, who was still sitting behind the green silk curtain, quoted classics and saved him. The guest is poor and admits failure. The allusion "If catkins are not due to the wind" is about her.
Wang Xizhi's third son-Wang Huanzhi?
The third son, Wang Huanzhi, studied his father's calligraphy since childhood, reaching almost the same level, and was good at cursive writing. Huang's "On the East View and Xu Lun" says: "Wang Sizi's books, Ning, Cao, Hui and Huan, have been handed down from generation to generation, each with its own style but different body. Condense its rhyme, practice its body, emblem its potential, rejuvenate its appearance and offer its source. "
Wang Huanzhi attended the historic Lanting party and left a poem by Lanting: "Come and have leisure. Wear good brown feet. Go beyond the trace and walk alone. Really Qi Qi ancient and modern. "
Wang Xizhi's fourth son-Wang Suzhi?
Wang Zi's fourth son, Su Zhi, was young and respectful, and had been consulted by Zhong Shulang and a title of generals in ancient times. I attended the Lanting party hosted by my father Wang Xizhi, and later some poems were circulated. The Lanting poem he wrote at the Lanting party: "If you are happy, you will swim, and if you are happy, you will be open-minded. Reciting Shuise, the waves turn into flat scales, but I don't see the legal posts handed down from generation to generation.
Wang Huizhi, the fifth son of Wang Xizhi.
Wang Huizhi (AD 338-386), Zizi, a celebrity and calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, the fifth son of Wang Xizhi, was one of the outstanding brothers in calligraphy. He likes to admire bamboo, is arrogant and uninhibited, is not enthusiastic about official business, and often runs around. Later, he simply resigned and went to live in Yin Shan, showing the waywardness and freedom of celebrities in Wei and Jin Dynasties, without losing his lofty elegance. His calligraphy has the evaluation of "emblem has its (Wang Huizhi) potential", and later generations have handed down posters such as "Sister-in-law's illness does not decrease" and "New Moon Post".
Wang Xizhi's Sixth Son-Wang Caozhi
Wang Liuzi fuck it, the word is heavy. He served as secretary supervisor, assistant, minister of history and governor of Zhang Yu. His wife, hershey. He's grandfather was a frequent visitor in the Tang Dynasty.
Wang Xianzhi, the seventh son of Wang Xizhi.
The seventh son, Wang Xianzhi, was nicknamed the official slave. He is the tallest calligrapher among his brothers, and he is also called "two kings" with his father Wang Xizhi. Wang Xianzhi was smart and studious since childhood, good at cursive and official scripts, and also good at painting. He practiced calligraphy with his father since he was a child, and he was ambitious. Later, he took Zhang Zhi and made his own innovation. He is famous for his running script and cursive script, but he also has a deep foundation in regular script and official script.