Jingning is different from ancient Ji Cheng and Ayang. After the historical changes of Han and Tang Dynasties, Ji Cheng moved to Zhou, which is called "Three Movements" in history. Since the Song and Jin Dynasties, there have been constant wars and repeated prohibitions. Those who go back to celebrities in counties and counties and respect the master's arm are praised by people. Those who are called Taibai in the article are far-fetched. However, if the land is harmonious and cool, the sage of the grass will be shaded, and Liang Hu will radiate. Zhao Xi of the Republic of China spoke out and a generation of calligraphy and painting will be outstanding.
After the founding of New China, calligraphy and painting were collected by the Association. Ma was nominated for a national exhibition with seal cutting for the first time, and was the first local member of China Calligraphy Association. Subsequently, Mu, Wang Huaigang and others joined the club in succession. Now, Mu, Wang Huaigang, Wang Youbi, Wang, Yang, Li Pingli and Jia are possessed. In addition, Pingliang Ma, Dai Jiyun, Lanzhou Li Buning, Zhang Jianzhong, Wang Haixiong, Qingyang Dai Chunsen, Jing Yuanbai, Guazhou Fan Hongkang, Xinjiang, Shaanxi Tension, etc. More than 30 people, and a county has many members, which is very scenic.