In the past, the old gentleman was born with a clean world, and the teachers and students came to the sun and the moon. And don't kill at that time, not for the use of the master, buried in the back valley, hidden in the mountains, quiet and graceful in the dust, still in Xianban. Do you want to do what you want? It's a slap in the face! Public taboo national importance, elegant town of Nanyang, Yejun people also. Since I was a child, I have worshipped, admired, admired, Hou Ji, Mai Zhong, and Yin who was eaten by Shen's son. Sealed in this leaf, the nation enjoys the country, great and wonderful!
When I arrested Zugan Yu Kezhuang, I was still blessed with virtue. I am a hermit and a monk, and I can master the skin of outstanding talents. Although I was tired from driving, I was firm and resigned. Therefore, the celebration of your life will last forever.
Never test the way, keep the palace, and be a country. Ghosts living in the ground attract the gods in the sky. Accept it and fly it north. To slay the demon and get rid of it, Mrs. Liu is special and full of strangeness. As for waving paper, drawing bow and penetrating skin, there are five special ones, which are widely popularized. Who will inherit?
Mr. Wang inherited Taoism spiritually and was lured by paganism. He was weak and disfigured, young and innocent, with the image of immortal bones and childlike innocence. He specializes in five dragons and travels all over the country. Know the distance skillfully (extended to "reach") and understand the emblem clearly. Achieve the ratio of life and death, and change the body, things and qi. The taste is the same (there is no "yi" in the extension), and the shadow will stop. The clouds lie in the north (or "pine"), and the forest nests with immortals. People are never neighbors, the road is blocked to the right, they are winning alone, singing forever, keeping peace easily, and learning to be quiet. Take the marrow of five stones and the wisdom of three. Don't stay young, send pure paint when you die, fight for Dan when you are young, and live in a secluded cave (extended to "the same"). God and Tao are lonely, and I don't drink or eat. I have been here for decades.
I was promoted to the court, and I was sent to the court as soon as possible. Jane was ordered to give you a gift. I will be civilized and fast. Mr. Xu Yi bowed for a long time, shook hands and thanked him one by one, and said: Since ancient times, Deng Yong, Shun Di, Dehui awarded the award, followed the martial arts tradition and studied under Kong Jia. In addition, I prepared gifts for foreign ministers, so I finally became a virgin. Is it vulgar and partial tribute; I will explore the Tao and enjoy classes, and I will sit at the age of weird. The messenger suspected that the purpose of the application was to visit Lu's room, save the warehouse, test the territory of the people, and inquire about the children's homework, all of which were frugal and keep the contract. An Nengwei's first taste is unwilling, and his color is not pleasing to the eye. Believe that honesty is the best way to get rid of falsehood, and dare to remain honest. With the wind, you can get stronger. What's the matter? Then he came back to life in vain and sighed shamefully: I heard that the imperial court was lofty and thirsty, and listening to good voices was better than words. There is a company lacking stars in Tianyuan book, which is divided into five virtues and four seasons. The more auspicious the ghost, the better, and the mother knows its source. They have traveled a long way, so please benefit from it. It can be said that the rope is sincere and straight, and the balance is hanging and heavy. Guangdong is just a naturalist and a gentleman, but how can the novel be born in Iraq?
Oh! It won't last long, and people will come back. Declining years are forced by the future, and long-term ambitions are destroyed. Cloth trillion secluded rocks, buried graves and clear forests, fleeing people do not chase, the national people are indifferent to the constitution, the spring stone is gloomy, and villages and counties lose their voices. There is no one but my son.
Yin Zihui Ming showed her state history to Dr. Yin Lu. Gong Gang (or translated as "Wang") replaced Jue and increased his industry. Uncover the mysterious secrets and promote Jin Xuan's Hongbo. If the Tao is faint, the heart will be angry. Blowing the law (the same as "warm") valley, luck knows the sky. Writing books over and over again should not kill you.
Sun Tzu Jinglong, a Taoist, is famous for his crossing. He got his father's book when he was young, and it has been handed down for a long time. Read the book of the world and prepare non-party skills. Fire cleanses her, sacrifices her, slays demons with swords, opens five kings and moves four countries. Its entry is also a golden lock purple court, which is the proud official of the emperor; It also came out, Fa Yujing, sitting in the Yuan Temple, as the benevolent master. Therefore, the main door, the tomb facing the right, eat in the porch, forbidden to stay in the house. Always strive for self-improvement by regulating qi, and be strong when you are old. Although I am anxious, it is purely filial piety and sadness. It is a seal, a wish to worship the grave, an emperor's memorial, and a king's words. God sent letters to fly, spread the news of Renafa, collected public accounts, lined up in the countryside to meet, the grass shone, and all the villagers celebrated. Waste the last skill to preach filial piety, only to pursue the distance with the first ambition, and to set up a monument to Kidd, how can a husband ask for nature! The word yue:
The ancestral door is simple, and the home is a hidden fairy. When Tao is pregnant, pass it on. Huang Gongshu is in Chishui, Julian. Tao opens the key, sex and truth. A tired ancestor, four generations and a hundred years. Back to the valley, the silent world. Very noble, very noble. Musk deer smells bad, but the beads fall lightly. People have a heart, but they can't get it. It's all about protecting yourself from bandits for profit. Filial piety and Sun Zengye, Ming Jun has a pleasant journey. Always have no ambition, no matter what or different. Enlighten the wise and be full, raise the mountain and empty it. Excellent high pillow, OEM production. Small quantity, loyal to the rules. Although the emperor is worried about his family, his filial piety is deep. Chapter service charm, spread charm. This is a heavy forest to support the pavilion. Auspicious time pursues the distance, and it is clear to attract the heart. Filial piety is the end of things, and honor does not spoil today. Far beyond ancient times, it is always wise to the south of the Yangtze River. On March 7, the fifth year of Kaiyuan, Ding Si.
Note: Li Beihai, that is, Li Yong, lived in Fengyi, Tang Gaozong for three years (AD 678)-Tianbao of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty for six years (AD 747). He is 70 years old and was born in Jiangdu, Yangzhou. When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was the magistrate of Beihai, he was called Li Beihai.
The famous calligrapher of Tang Dynasty in China is good at original works, calligraphy, cursive script, official script, seal script and other calligraphy styles, among which cursive script has the highest achievement and is unique.
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