Because I am a lazy person, I will describe it briefly. )
In ancient times, the Japanese nation only had its own national language, but not its own writing. After China culture spread to Japan, the literate Japanese began to record it in Chinese characters.
After the middle of the 5th century, Japan pioneered the method of writing Japanese with Chinese characters as phonetic symbols.
Because the composition of Chinese characters is complicated, it was gradually simplified, and only the radicals of China's regular script were written. In addition, the soft China cursive script is suitable for writing harmony songs, thus forming another simple, fluent and free font.
Because these words are borrowed from Chinese characters, they are called pseudonyms, regular script is called katakana, and China cursive script is called hiragana.
Generally, hiragana and katakana are used to express foreign words and special words.
Thanks again to small 8 for helping to sort out the pentatonic scale (small 8 made a simpler and easier version for everyone to learn).
Japanese 50-tone map
Silent sound
Hiragana (katakana)
あ(ア) い(イ) う(ウ) え(エ) お(オ)
Ayiwu e o
か(カ) き(キ) く(ク) け(ケ) こ(コ)
Kaji Kaji
さ(サ) し(シ) す(ス) せ(セ) そ(ソ)
Sa Susie se so
た(タ) ち(チ) つ(ツ) て(テ) と(ト)
Tazi teto
な(ナ) に(ニ) ぬ(ヌ) ね(ネ) の(ノ)
Nani Nu Nu Nu
は(ハ) ひ(ヒ) ふ(フ) へ(ヘ) ほ(ホ)
ま(マ) み(ミ) む(ム) め(メ) も(モ)
Mamim, I'm not.
や(ヤ) ゆ(ユ) よ(ヨ)
You Ya.
ら(ラ) り(リ) る(ル) れ(レ) ろ(ロ)
Larry Lu Le Lowe
わ(ワ) を(ヲ)
voiced sound
Hiragana (katakana)
が(ガ) ぎ(ギ) ぐ(グ) げ(ゲ) ご(ゴ)
Gaga goo goo go.
ざ(ザ) じ(ジ) ず(ズ) ぜ(ゼ) ぞ(ゾ)
za ji zu ze zo
だ(ダ) ぢ(ヂ) づ(ヅ) で(デ) ど(ド)
ば(バ) び(ビ) ぶ(ブ) べ(ベ) ぼ(ボ)
Isn't Barbie Bo?
Hiragana (katakana) ぱパぴピぷプぺペぽポ
Pronunciation pa pi pu pe po
How to input Japanese
I often see friends asking how to input Japanese. In fact, it is not difficult. You can search Japanese input method first, download and install it, and then type it with reference to the table below.