What kind of talent did Wang Xizhi have when he was seven years old?

Wang Xizhi was good at calligraphy at the age of seven. When he was twelve years old, he saw the pen of the previous generation under his father's pillow and he stole it. Seeing that he was still young, his father was worried that he could not keep the secret. He said to Wang Xizhi, "When you grow up, I will teach you calligraphy." Wang Xizhi knelt down and begged his father, who was very happy.

So I gave him the book at once. In less than a month, his calligraphy has made great progress. East Jin Mingdi once went to Gai Zhoushan, the northern suburb of Kyoto Jiankang, to worship the land god, and asked Wang Xizhi to write the memorial on a wooden prayer board, and then sent someone to carve it. The sculptor peeled off the wood layer by layer, and found that Wang Xizhi's ink actually penetrated into the depths of the board, and it took three minutes to see the white background!