Example 1: On one occasion, Le Zhengzi, a student of Mencius, went to Qi State. Because he didn't settle down immediately, he couldn't see Mencius that day. Le Zhengzi went to see Mencius the next day. Mencius was very unhappy and said, "Do you want to see me, too?" LeZhengZi feel tone is wrong, I don't know what's going on. He asked, "Why did the teacher say such a thing?" Mencius did not answer directly, but asked, "How many days have you been in Qi?" Le Zhengzi honestly replied: "Yesterday has arrived." Mencius said with great displeasure, "So what's strange about what I just said?" Le Zhengzi realized that Mencius was angry because he didn't go to see him immediately after he arrived in Qi, so he quickly explained that he didn't arrive at the teacher in time yesterday because his residence was not confirmed. Mencius did not relax at all, and continued to ask, "Have you ever heard that you must find a good place to live before you can invite your elders?" Le Zhengzi had to apologize to Mencius. In this conversation, Mencius' attitude has always been aggressive, from which we can easily see that his maintenance of teachers' dignity obviously overshadowed his generosity and concern for students. Indeed, as far as personality image is concerned, Mencius' respectable side seems to exceed his amiable side.
When Mencius treats different viewpoints, he is often very aggressive, and his polemic attitude often hinders mutual understanding and communication; Argumentative writing is manifested in political life and can easily become sophistry. Mencius' argument about whether Yan State can be cut has this meaning. Shen Tong, Minister of Qi State, once asked Mencius privately: "Is it possible to crusade against the civil strife in Yan State?" Mencius replied, "Yes." The reason is that a gentleman of Yan State should not give up the throne to the son of Yan State. Later, the State of Qi really marched eastward to Yan. At that time, someone asked Mencius: "Mr. Wang once advised Qi to attack Yan. Is that so? " Mencius replied, "There is no such thing. At the beginning, Shentong asked me:' Can Yan conquer Qi?' I replied, "Yes." If he asks me again,' Who can conquer Yan?' I will answer:' Only those who represent the will of God can conquer Yan. In that case, how can it be said that I advised Qi to cut Yan? "This argument is logically impeccable, but it is hard to convince. This makes Mencius' philosopher image present a certain debater style at the same time.
Ex. 2: Gan Fei was a skilled archer in ancient times. All he has to do is draw a bow and shoot an arrow at the beast, and the beast will fall; Shoot an arrow at a bird flying in the sky, and the bird will fall from the sky in an instant. As long as anyone who has seen Gan Fei shoot arrows, there is no one who does not praise him as a professional archer. It's true that the arrow is not empty, and it hits every shot. Gan Fei's student is Wei Fei. He studied archery with Gan Fei very hard. A few years later, Wei Fei's archery caught up with his teacher Gan Fei. He was really a teacher. Later, another man named Jichang came to worship Wei Fei as a teacher and learn archery from Wei Fei.
After Wei Fei accepted Ji Chang as an apprentice, he was really strict about learning archery! When Wei Fei first learned archery, he said to Ji Chang, "Do you really want to learn archery from me? You know, you can't learn real skills without hard work. Ji Chang said: As long as you can learn archery, you are not afraid of hardship and are willing to listen to the teacher's advice. Therefore, Wei Fei said to Ji Chang very seriously, "You should learn not to blink before you can talk about archery in school. 」
In order to learn archery, Ji Chang returned home and lay on his back under his wife's loom, staring unblinkingly at his wife's pedaling while weaving. Every day, every month, I think about Wei Fei's request and his determination to go to Wei Fei. If you want to learn real kung fu and become an archer, you must practice hard and persistently. I practiced for two years without interruption; Even if the tip of the awl pierced the edge of the eye socket, his eyes were unblinkingly. Ji Chang packed his bags and left his wife for Wei Fei. After listening to Ji Chang's report, Wei Fei said to Ji Chang, "I haven't learned home yet." To learn archery well, you must also practice your eyesight. You must practice looking at small things like big ones, vague things like obvious ones. You have to keep practicing before you can tell me. 」
Ji Chang returned home, chose the thinnest hair on the yak's tail, tied a small louse at one end, and hung it on his own window at the other end, staring at the small louse hanging at the bottom of yak hair's window. Look, look, stare. In less than 10 days, the lice seem to be getting bigger gradually. Ji Chang still insists on practicing hard. He continued to watch, watch and stare. Three years later, I saw the little lice tied to the lower end of yak hair getting bigger and bigger, as big as a wheel. When Ji Chang looked at other things, they all got bigger, so big that they looked like huge hills. So, Ji Chang immediately found a strong bow with horns grown in the north and a sharp arrow made of bamboo produced in the north. He took a bow in his left hand, put an arrow in his right hand, focused on lice as big as wheels, and shot the arrow out. The arrow just passed through the center of the louse, but yak hair, who hung the louse, was not shot off. At this time, Ji deeply realized that he should study hard. He told Wei Fei about this achievement.
Wei Fei was so happy for Jichang that he even jumped for joy. He also patted his chest with his hand and went over to congratulate Jichang and said, "You have succeeded. You have mastered the secret of archery!
Argument: A true strict teacher is "strict and dignified" to students. In other words, the cultivation of ideological quality should have clear standards; In the study of cultural and scientific knowledge, we should pay attention to the correction of students' learning motivation, the cultivation of learning interest, the formation of self-study ability and the correction of bad habits in learning; Between right and wrong, good and evil, beauty and ugliness, the teacher's judgment should be distinct. Therefore, strictness means strict standards. Within a certain range, it conforms to the laws of education and is conducive to the all-round development of students' morality, intelligence and physique. It must not be so strict as to damage students' physical and mental health. This principle is a prerequisite for a noble apprentice.
The real strict teacher is "strict and square" to the students. As we all know, the psychological structure of the educational object in the student era is not perfect, and the understanding of things is not very thorough. This requires teachers to use correct and effective methods to guide. It requires teachers to be familiar with the characteristics of students' physical and mental development, and the requirements for students should be appropriate, in line with students' reality, avoid being simple and rude, and avoid simply increasing students' burden and damaging their health. As long as the method is proper, you will definitely make a high student.
A really strict teacher must be strict with his students. "Chang" first requires teachers to prepare lessons carefully, teach seriously, correct homework seriously, and guide self-study seriously. Secondly, teachers' words and deeds in school have a subtle influence on every student. Generally speaking, whether a teacher speaks correctly or not will greatly affect students' words and deeds. This requires every teacher to strengthen their self-cultivation, abide by school discipline, and set an example for students with their own ethics and noble sentiments. With such strict teachers, the quality of students will not be low.
Minister of Education Zhou Ji recently stressed that it is necessary to strengthen the education of students, strictly manage them, be strict with teachers and not be vague at all. I believe that as long as our teachers educate students strictly, moderately and consistently, and be strict with themselves, we can cultivate "top students" with ideals, morality, education and discipline.
Such a strict teacher may not be an apprentice.
Example 1: Xu Zhimo, a talented poet, is not serious in class at all. He even gave lectures while eating apples, telling students that the apples in Yantai are really delicious. But his class is very popular with students.
Example 2: Zhang Yi has a good reputation as a teacher and a minister in charge of life. He earnestly hopes to become a generation of saints and devote himself to the education of teenagers. In order to create a reading atmosphere in the imperial court, encourage young emperors to study, and give classic education to ladies-in-waiting and eunuchs, so that no one in the harem does not study. He is more concerned about Zongshen's daily life and behavior, and teaches him through persuasion. He personally wrote the Diagram of the Emperor for the little emperor. There are 1 17 stories about emperors and 8 1 rules of sages and philosophers, which record the words and deeds of wise monarchs. Thirty-six "crazy and stupid mistakes" illustrate the tyrant's evil deeds and misdeeds.
1/kloc-0 Zongshen likes calligraphy, which is also the limit of being an emperor. In Zhang's view, "the study of emperors is the most important. The wise monarchs from Yao and Shun to Tang and Song Dynasties all attached importance to Xiu De's self-cultivation, governing the country and keeping the people safe, and did not pursue one skill. Emperor Han Chengdi knows melody, plays flute and composes music. Liang Wudi, Chen Houzhu, emperors Yang Di, Song Huizong and Ningzong were all literate and proficient in painting, but they could not cause national chaos. You mainly focus on moral cultivation, and you can't be complacent with one skill. "Just turned 14, Zhang handed over 242 documents from his grandfather Jiajing to him for study and management. Constantly present four books to explain directly, present Dabao, present the imperial tomb, present sermons, present letters, present hundreds of official maps, etc., so that a teenager's love for calligraphy is endless.
At this time, I was very afraid of Zhang. He recited the Analects of Confucius and occasionally made mistakes. When Zhang said that he had made a mistake, he would be shocked. As a teenager, it is inevitable to like to play, but Zongshen is not so lucky. Once, I followed the eunuch Sun Hai to another palace for fun at night, wearing narrow-sleeved underpants and learning to play with knives. Li Taihou knew it was not enough to punish him for kneeling. He wrote down his crime before giving up. On another occasion, I was singing in the palace occasionally, and suddenly I heard the voice of patrolling the city, so I quickly stopped and said, "I'm afraid of the imperial history!" "
The hatred with Zhang stems from awe, which happened during the growth of the emperor. This shows that Zongshen's power consciousness began to awaken with his age. He was originally an emperor who was praised by people for a long time, and his power was invincible and omnipotent. After Zhang's death, he lost his last scruples. Like a runaway wild horse, he greedily plundered all the wealth of the society, even kicked off the local government, sent eunuchs and envoys to collect taxes everywhere, and brought the taxes that should have been turned over to the household department into the emperor's treasury, extorting and killing people for money, which aroused a nationwide wave of opposition to mine tax supervision. Therefore, Zhao Yi, a scholar in the Qing Dynasty, said in the Notes on Twenty-two Histories: "The commentator explained that death is not in Chongzhen, but in Wanli Cloud."
Parameters:. "Strictness" must be based on sincere concern for students, and simplicity and rudeness cannot be understood as "strictness". The so-called care and understanding can promote harmonious two-way communication.