Politics is really not a system problem. The system is fine. Whatever the system is. The most important thing is people. You see, if we train him to be healthy, moral and knowledgeable, we can govern the country. These three leading teachers are very important. They are really kind, knowledgeable and caring. When Zhou Wuwang died, his son was ten years old, and the Duke of Zhou was the Regent. The three teachers who became kings were Jiang Taigong, one was Duke Zhou, and Taibao was his brother-in-law. Therefore, with successful rule, success is king, and the success of Zhou Dynasty and King Kang is peaceful and prosperous. When you are ten years old, you can see these three good teachers. I have a son, studying with the prince and accompanying the prince, which is actually the court below. Accompanied by them, the prince knows every one of them like the back of his hand. He knows which one will become the prime minister and which one will become the history book of the future. So it's not messy at all. From generation to generation, policies are passed down from generation to generation. It won't be messy. This method is very good.
Now there is something wrong with democracy, and westerners have doubts about democracy. Come and ask me, when I was in Australia, did you ask me if democracy is the best system? I told him that there is no good or bad system, no best or worst. The problem lies with people. If a person is a good person and the system is not good, he can do good things; If a person is not a good person, no matter how good the system is, he will do bad things. Therefore, education is more important than anything else. What should we teach? Teach as a saint, saint, saint politics. China's politics, since ancient times, to be honest, belongs to the politics of sages. Where did the roots of this sage come from? The most obvious system is the Zhou Dynasty. Confucius worships Duke Zhou the most. Dafa of the Zhou Dynasty, Rites of the Duke of Zhou and Rites of Zhou Dynasty are the constitutions of the Zhou Dynasty. Mr. Wang mentioned it to me many times and told me that Zhou Li, a method of governing the country, surpassed the constitution of any country in the world now and could not be compared with it. The teacher asked me to pay attention to it, but I never did. Turn over a few pages, not interested. The teacher said that if the descendants of the Zhou Dynasty could abide by it, he said it would still be the Zhou Dynasty. It's a pity that the Zhou family lived for 800 years. In the end, there was chaos and greed for enjoyment, and all the laws of their ancestors were lost, and the country died. Therefore, Zhou Li's system is three divisions and one surname, and one division and one Pacific Insurance. This is very thoughtful. As long as a country's leaders are good in these three aspects and the people enjoy happiness, that is the real peace and prosperity, the country and the people are safe.
Gong recorded the Old Master's Notes on Pure Land Sutra from top to bottom.
(2) In ancient times, the long-term survival of this country depended on education. Why can ancient emperors rule for hundreds of years, pass on for more than twenty generations, and enjoy the country for three or four hundred years? Through education. Education really depends on teachers and coaches. System is not important, what matters is education. Typical, look at the Zhou Dynasty. After the death of King Wu, his son ascended the throne at the age of ten. He had to be regent by the Duke of Zhou, who was his uncle and his uncle was the Regent. When he grew up, the regime was handed over to him. This child should be taught well and establish a system of three divisions without three divisions. Third Division: Taishi, Taifu and Taibao, these three teachers. These three people are usually the advisers and teachers of the emperor. A surname teaches the idea and method of governing the country and leveling the world, and teaches this; A teacher teaches morality, causality and this, and a teacher is responsible for the education of ethics, morality and causality; Take care of your daily life and medical care. You should have a healthy body, physical and mental health. So these three teachers are in charge of these three things, physical and mental health, benevolence and morality, and the way to rule the country and level the world.
There are three Shao Shi, Shao Shi, Shao Bao and Shao Fu. What's that for? That's the coach. These three men set an example for the king. Only Xiao, a teenager, should set an example for him and let him learn. Three little present position, he is a minister, three little. Santai, probably at the level of deputy prime minister or prime minister, is a senior official. Shao Shi and Shao Bao are second-class officials. Among the princes and ministers, there are excellent children who were chosen to accompany the king to study, which is the next dynasty. Therefore, the handover went smoothly, and he was trained from childhood and passed down from generation to generation. There is no dispute. This system is good, this kind of emperor receives the best education, and this is the teacher who is truly moral, knowledgeable and knows how to teach this court. After decades of training, they are no strangers to governing the country and leveling the world. When the old emperor died, they succeeded. Therefore, peace and prosperity depend on education, not system. No matter how good the system is, he will still do bad things without learning or teaching. If he is selfish, he will die, his family will be destroyed and his regime will be taken away by others. Really easy to teach, passed down from generation to generation. Nobody in the common people wants to rebel. Rebellion was forced out. The leaders are simply outrageous. The people can't stand it. Who wants to rebel? So this truth must be understood. In ancient China, these things could really save the whole world.
Now there are problems all over the world, not one country, not a part, but the whole. At this time, we got the Book Collection. The Collection of Books is the essence of the three books, Classic, History and Zi, so it is the essence of traditional culture and also the essence of Sri Lanka. In such a large weight, it was distilled into a book of 500 thousand words for the emperors and princes at that time to read. In this book, wisdom, ideas, methods, experiences and effects were absorbed, which made the Tang Dynasty prosperous. Any national leader who is willing to learn this book can achieve the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty. So this book is very popular all over the world, and we hope it can be translated into various national languages and circulated around the world in the future. Over the years, it has been widely rumored in the society that 2 1 century is the century of China people, so many big countries are afraid of the rise of China and try their best to stop and deal with it. I have told you internationally, as well as many national leaders, that 2 1 century is the century of China people, the century of books collection in China, and nothing else. You can all get this book to learn. Every country in the world studies this book. This is called the century of China people. It is nothing more than the essence of force, politics, trade, economy and China traditional culture. Where did it come from? From "Siku"