The year of Renyin is the year of the tiger.
Ren Yin is one of the stems and branches, the 39th in order. The former one is Xin Chou, and the latter one is Guimao. In terms of yin and yang and the five elements, the Ren of the heavenly stem belongs to the water of yang, and the yin of the earthly branch belongs to the wood of yang, which is the mutual growth of water and wood. The twelve earthly branches in Renyin are Yin, the zodiac sign is tiger, and the year of Renyin is the year of the tiger. The Year of the Tiger is determined according to the traditional Chinese calendar. The "tiger" in the zodiac corresponds to the Yin of the twelve earthly branches, and the Year of the Tiger is the year of the Yin.
The Renyin year is one of the sixty years in the Ganzhi calendar in our country's traditional culture. The order is the 39th. The year before it is the Xinchou year. , the latter year is the Guimao year. The approximate correspondence with the Gregorian calendar years is 1842, 1902, 1962, 2022, 2082, etc. (60-year cycle). The specific algorithm is: divide the year number by 60 and the remainder is 42, or subtract 3 from the year number. The remainder after dividing by 10 is 9, and the remainder after dividing by 12 is 3. The years from the beginning of spring of the current year to the beginning of spring of the next year are all "The year of Renyin".
Reference for the above content: Baidu Encyclopedia-Ren Yin Year