If you are sensitive to things and speak carefully, you will be correct and thirsty for knowledge.
"The Analects of Confucius Learn": "A gentleman does not have enough to eat and is restless. If he is sensitive to things and careful about what he says, he will have an appropriate way and be honest. It can be said that he is eager to learn. "
Confucius said: "Be a gentleman, don't eat and drink enough, live comfortably, be diligent and agile, but be careful what you say and correct yourself to others.". This can be said to be studious. "
During the Spring and Autumn Period, after being pushed out of the political arena by Lu, Confucius led his disciples to travel around the world, and after hitting a wall in Wei, Zheng, Chen and Jin, he lived in seclusion in Cai. Their lives are very poor, and they often don't know the taste of March meat. Therefore, they had to use the phrase "a gentleman is restless because he doesn't have enough to eat, and he is sensitive and cautious about things, so he is eager to learn". Educate his disciples to live an ascetic life with him.
A moral person should not pay too much attention to food and shelter. He should be diligent, agile, cautious and careful in his work, and be able to review himself at any time and ask moral people to correct their words and deeds. As a gentleman, we should restrain the desire to pursue material enjoyment and pay attention to shaping our own moral quality, so as to achieve our noble subject personality.