Does good handwriting mean you have literary talent?

This proposition is obviously not true.

Although there are more and more computer applications now, the number of occasions for handwriting may decrease, leading many people to believe that whether handwriting is good or bad depends on being able to understand it.

It is this idea that will make calligraphy even more important in the future. After all, computers cannot completely replace human behavior, including writing. Imagine a scenario where the company has a power outage and cannot print. It urgently needs a document and it needs to be written by hand. What others write looks like a chicken scratch, but what you write is simply the preface to Lanting. How would you feel?

And practicing calligraphy is not only about writing well, but also a kind of cultivation.

Like me, I use five strokes to type these words, nearly a hundred words per minute, but I still admire people who write well, and I practice it when I have time, even if I am not good at practice or writing. How good.