Juvenile Wang Mian

Wang Mian was eager to learn from childhood and herded cattle during the day. When he was seven or eight years old, his father told him to herd cattle on the ridge, and he sneaked into the school to listen to the students. After listening, I always remember it silently. When he came home at night, he forgot all the cows he was grazing. Wang Mian's father was furious and gave Wang Mian a good beating. After that, he was still like this.

His mother said, "The child is so obsessed with reading, why not let him?" Wang Mian ran away from home and stayed in a temple. At night, he sneaked out and sat on the Buddha's lap, holding a book in his hand. By the light of the ever-burning lamp in front of the Buddha, the sound of reading was read until dawn.

Most of the Buddha statues are clay sculptures, all of which are ferocious and frightening. Child as Wang Mian is, he doesn't seem to see it. Han Xing of Anyang heard that he was different and accepted him as a disciple, so Wang Mian became a learned Confucian scholar. But when I failed the exam again and again, I set the article on fire.

Extended data

Life of Wang Mian: Wang Mian later traveled to the north. When Wang Mian saw those arrogant rulers, his inner anger was even more uncontrollable, so he wrote poems to express his melancholy. After he returned to the metropolis from Saibei, his thoughts and feelings of loving the nation and the motherland were more vividly displayed. One day, he painted a plum blossom and stuck it on the wall, and wrote the poem Biography of Poetry in Past Dynasties, expressing his reluctance to paint for foreign rulers.

The ruthless irony of the dignitaries made the audience cringe and dare not speak, thus hurting the ruler's scar, and they wanted to arrest him. Zheng Zheng eight years (1348), he secretly fled back to the south.

Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Mian