How do butterflies draw fairy spirits?

The steps of drawing a fairy butterfly are as follows:

Materials: brush, ink, azurite, titanium dioxide.

1. Dip a pen in ochre and add ink to reconcile, pile up the butterfly's hind wings in front of the side, leaving white in the process of writing.

2. Continue to improve the front wing with a pen, and grasp the light and dark changes of ink color when drawing.

3. Raise the pen in the center, leave a virtual pen in the line and a pen in front to show the front wing.

4, the same color method, the center draws the wings exposed on the other side.

5. Use a pen in exchange for heavy ink, stipple the butterfly's body, and then sketch the butterfly's tentacles.

6. Dip it in azurite and titanium dioxide, and draw spots on the butterfly wings with a pen in the center. In exchange for bright red, draw patterns on the wings of butterflies.

7. Finally, take the ochre and dye the belly of the butterfly. You need not be too careful. You can dye it roughly.

Butterfly fairy painting

Materials: brush, ink, gamboge ink, orange ink.

1, the center draws the outline of butterfly wings with a pen dipped in thick ink.

2. The center draws the texture of butterfly wings with strokes dipped in thick ink.

3. Continue to improve the description of butterfly wing texture and pay attention to the relationship between reality and reality.

4. Mix Garcinia cambogia and orange with a brush, and draw the tentacles of the butterfly's head, chest, abdomen and head in the center.

5. Continue the stroke in the center, outline the legs of the butterfly with the pen tip, and then dip the stroke in the center with heavy ink to draw the black texture of the butterfly body.

6. Mix Garcinia Garcinia with light ink and dye butterfly wings with a brush.