Yi Ming Hui Shou, Taoist, or longevity Taoist; And often help yourself, if, if. He lived in seclusion and built a small house by a small lake in the northwest of the city. He said, "Xi Xihong Caotang." Wanshouqi grew up in an official family. Smart at an early age, he recited more than 200,000 words when he was a child. 1630 (three years of Chongzhen) took the exam five times, but it was not the first. He is well read and versatile. He knows all about etiquette, music, military affairs, agriculture, astronomy, calendar, history and geography, poetry, calligraphy and painting, epigraphy, calligraphy and painting of piano and chess, swords, embroidery by women workers and sewing by leather workers. He has participated in Nanjing Society for many times, lived in Suzhou, Zhenjiang, Songjiang and other places, and made friends with celebrities such as Yang, Gu Yunmeng.