In the Qing dynasty, the bigger the official position, the more colors. Colorful letters are sent to officials with more than five products, and letters sent to officials with less than five products are single color and pure white silk. The highest is the imperial edict of seven colors. At the same time, the texture of the shaft handle of the imperial edict is strictly different according to the official rank: one is the jade shaft, the other is the black rhinoceros horn shaft, the third is the gold-plated shaft, and the fourth and fifth are the black horn shafts. There is no hard and fast rule on the length of the imperial edict.
"By providence, providence, hence the name of the son of heaven, also regards heaven as the father and serves heaven with filial piety". This is the origin of "Fengtian". As for "luck", it also involves Zou Yan's "five virtues often say". According to Zou Fuzi, the five elements are in harmony with each other, and each dynasty represents one of them, such as Huangdi Suntech, Xia Shang Mulder, Yin Shang Jinde and Zhou Shang Huode.
Five virtues are repeated, and dynasties rise and fall. The imperial edict translated into modern Chinese means "the emperor who accepted the fate of the world by destiny wrote a letter." This is a royal term, which means it's over.
In fact, the real imperial edict does not serve the sky. The imperial edict and Qin's rhetoric are mainly sung in ancient operas and played on TV, thinking so. There are generally two kinds of ancient imperial edicts: the imperial edict begins with Zhao Yue and is dictated by the emperor; It was written by the emperor himself.
Extended data
Imperial edict of Ming and Qing dynasties
The imperial edict of the Qing Dynasty is as long as history. Appreciating this imperial edict is like turning a page in history. The imperial edicts in the early Qing Dynasty, especially those in the prosperous period of Kanggan, were exquisite in materials and colorful, and even now they still look dazzling. At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the imperial edict issued by Emperor Guangxu, the gorgeous brocade of the past, was replaced by linen-like rough cloth.
By the time the puppet Manchukuo emperor Puyi arrived, the imperial edict had become a "decree" and the "decree" had been replaced by the "seal of the Ministry of Justice". It is said that if we look at "Xu Zhiling" through light, we can find that there are four watermark anti-counterfeiting marks of "Manchu Empire" on "Xu Zhiling".
The imperial edict of the Ming dynasty was written in only one Chinese document; There are two kinds of imperial edict documents in Qing Dynasty, which are written in Chinese and Manchu respectively, with Chinese from right to left and Manchu from left to right. Then the date is written in Chinese books and stamped with "the treasure of imperial edict" or "the treasure of life".
Professionals told reporters that China's calligraphy on the imperial edict is mostly majestic fine print. These fonts are graceful, round and elegant, with odd and positive layout, ups and downs, and abrupt handwriting and strokes, just like relief, which is amazing.
According to reports, the imperial edicts and imperial edicts of the Ming and Qing dynasties (those awarded to officials from the first to the fifth grade are called imperial edicts, and those below the sixth grade are called imperial edicts) were all written by Hanlin scholars, and they were filled in according to grades after being finalized by the cabinet university students. It is worth mentioning that the people who wrote the imperial edict in the Qing Dynasty were all undertaken by Jishi Shu, the best person selected by the emperor from the Jinshi.
Because the imperial edict is completed by top cultural experts from drafting to writing, the writing is refined, almost to the point where adding one word is too cumbersome and subtracting one word is inaccurate. Therefore, these letters have important historical value and artistic appreciation value.
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