On the eighth day of February in Yuan You, the three provinces issued an order: "Soft weir, and press the governor." Su Zhe, assistant minister, said, "I have said that the soft weir cannot be applied to Beiliu, and the stakes are very clear. Gaidongliu is manually opened, with a width of 100 steps. When the winter and the moon are cut off, a soft weir can be used. Today, Beixi is a flowing river, and the Dongxi here is more than several times. Seeing the endless river, how can we build a soft weir? The original intention of Gaishuiguan is to implement hard weir in the name of soft weir, while Yin is to retreat from the river. Since the imperial court has realized its intention, it is not appropriate to reply to Rouyan's request. "
Zhao Mao also pointed out that there are three major interests in river affairs, and it is unreasonable for people who say it to wrangle with each other, or forget the distance, or take advantage of it, or take advantage of it. Deliberately unknown, the disaster can't go. I am confused to listen, and I suffer from the people. It's almost endless. I'm in pain The so-called big stakeholders: the whole river flows northward, and the water cannot be opened; East water diversion, water can not be used; The Zongcheng River must be broken, and the water cannot be closed. It is these three that it is good to go to the disaster, but it is harmful not to go.
Today, I don't want to do this, but I want to close Beixi specifically, knowing the benefits of closing it one day, but I don't know that the water in Beixi is easy to exert strength, but I don't know that the village is rising, so I can't integrate with it and flow into the East. If the husband wants to throw himself into the river for profit, but he doesn't care about the loss caused by the collapse of the river, he forgets the distance and is lucky enough to cut corners.
Some companies want to break Beiliu without taking the blame, but they divert water to say that they are soft weirs; Knowing that the river can't be soft is a plan to break the weir. I'm afraid of ruining my work, but I'll take the river as a play. Please pay attention to the rising and sinking trend of the river to control the east and north flows.
Su Shi:
Su Zhe (1March 039 18 to1June 2, 5438+001October 25) was born in Meishan, Meizhou (now Sichuan), a writer and prime minister of the Northern Song Dynasty. Su Zhe, his father Su Xun and his brother Su Shi are also called "Three Sus", which is one of the "Eight Masters in Tang and Song Dynasties".
Su Zhe's life knowledge was deeply influenced by his father and brother, and he was famous for his prose and was good at political and historical theories. Su Shi called his prose "Wang Yang is a place of narcissism and sighing, and outstanding spirit is indispensable". His poems try to catch up with Su Shi, with unpretentious style and poor literary talent. Su Zhe is also good at calligraphy, which is chic, neat and orderly. He is the author of Biography of Poetry, Biography of Spring and Autumn Annals, and Collection of Luancheng.