How to make handmade ancient-style round fans

The production method of handmade ancient-style round fans is as follows:

1. Cut the paper into long and thin strips and set aside. The specifications of the paper strips in the demonstration are as follows: 3 strips of red paper with a width of 8.5 cm,

3 strips of green paper with a width of 2.5 cm, and 8 strips of white paper with a width of 1 cm.

2. Apply glue on the short sides of the red paper strips and stick the 3 red paper strips into a long strip.

3. Glue the green paper strips into long strips in the same way.

4. Spread the long strip of red paper horizontally, and place the green paper strips next to it without overlapping each other.

5. Apply glue on the white paper strip.

6. Then stick the white paper strips at the junction of the red and green paper strips, so that the red, green and white paper stick together to form a whole.

7. Cut off the excess white paper strips at the end.

8. Use the same method to glue a white strip of paper to the red and green junction on the other side.

9. Then use a black crayon or marker to draw some small dots on the red part as decoration.

10. Then fold the short side of one side to the short side of the other side to create an accordion shape with a width of 1 cm.

11. Gather the folded strips of paper together again. Check whether the direction of the head and tail is consistent. The direction of the head and tail is required to be consistent.

12. Therefore, you need to cut off the last fold at one end so that the head and tail directions are the same.

13. After gathering it into a bunch, wrap transparent tape on the red end to fix it.

14. Now apply glue on both sides of the ice cream stick (leaving 4 cm unpainted at the end as a fan handle.

15. Glue the ice cream stick to the last fold of the paper bundle

16. Glue an ice cream stick to both ends of the paper bundle and let the glue dry.

17. Finally, open the two ice cream sticks to both sides and bring them together. Use rubber bands or tape to secure the ends to form a round fan

and you are done.