Zhu Xi's "Yearly Schedule for Studying in Cheng's Family School Zhu Xi's Reading Method"
Step by step
Three meanings:
1. Reading should be done in a certain order, not upside down.
2. You should arrange your study plan according to your actual situation and ability, and strictly abide by it.
3. When studying, you must lay a solid foundation, and do not rush to seek success.
Read well and think deeply
You must not only read well and recite it, but also be good at thinking.
Familiar reading helps to understand. This is what "read a thousand times and its meaning will appear by itself". Zhu Xi placed too much emphasis on reading several times, which was too mechanical.
The purpose of careful reading is to think carefully. Zhu Xi proposed the process of "doubt-doubt-resolve doubt". That is the process of discovering and solving problems.
If you can really read well and think deeply when reading, then you will truly understand the book and remember it forever.
These are only two of the six items in Zhu Xi's "Zhu Xi's Reading Method".
Reference materials: History of Chinese Education