When Yan Zhenqing was three years old, his father died of illness. He was educated by his mother, Mrs. Yin. Later, Mrs. Yin took him south and lived in his grandfather's house. Grandpa is a painter, and Yan Zhenqing is very clever. He likes him and teaches him to read and write.
On the one hand, Mrs. Yin is gratified that the children study hard and practice hard, on the other hand, she is worried about money. Difficulties at home make it difficult for Yan Zhenqing to buy paper, ink, pens and inkstones for practicing calligraphy. But I don't want to delay my children's education, and my hair is gray.
Knowing his mother's sufferings, Yan Zhenqing thought of a way to tell Mrs. Yin not to worry about buying him a pen and paper. Mrs. Yin said, where can I practice calligraphy without spending money? Yan Zhenqing held up the bowl and the brush and said, "The bowl is inkstone, the brush is a pen, and the yellow mud in the bowl is ink. As for paper, this whole wall is covered. "
Since then, Yan Zhenqing has been practicing calligraphy on the wall. When the wall is full, he will rinse it with clean water. With this persistence and diligence, Yan Zhenqing's handwriting is getting better and better every day.