Reese's famous saying:
In this world, meanness is the greatest shame, and poverty is the greatest sorrow. It is ridiculous that a person is always in a humble and pitiful position.
A man's virtue is like a mouse, in his own ear.
Taishan does not let the soil, so it can become big; Rivers and seas do not choose trickle, so they can be deep; The king is not only popular, so he can understand his virtue.
If I still want to lead the yellow dog, I will go to Shangcai Dongmen to chase the sly rabbit. How can I get it?
Today, people-oriented is not the case. No matter whether it is possible or not, regardless of merits and demerits, non-Qin people must be guests. Those who are important care about color, music and pearls, while those who are light care about the people. This is not the reason to cross the sea, so that the vassal's skill is also.
Make the four kings a guest, not a guest, and a scholar without using it, then the country is not rich and beneficial, and the Qin dynasty is nameless and strong.
Mu used to be a metric tyrant, but he did not merge with the six eastern countries. Why? There are still many governors, and Zhou De is not defeated. Therefore, the Five Princes are more prosperous and respect Zhou Shi.
Husband does not produce Qin, but there are many treasures; Scholars were not born in the Qin Dynasty, but were willing to be loyal to many people.
Vast territory, abundant resources and a large population, and a large country with a large population. The soldiers are strong and brave.
Today, chasing customers to the enemy, harming others and benefiting themselves, resenting the princes inside and outside; Seek the country without danger, and you will not get it.