The development of coins reached the Western Han Dynasty. After Wang Mang's reform, there was the fourth monetary system reform, which abolished large and small money. Jiang Da's penny was changed into two pieces of cloth and cargo springs, and Wang Mang changed the words of ten pieces of cloth and cargo springs into garter marks. The garter needle seal is a small seal, also known as the garter needle seal, and its nib is as sharp as a garter needle.
The words on copper coins are generally mentioned by big shots. The most like the copper coins we see now appeared in the Tang Dynasty. Kaiyuan Bao Tong was the most representative currency in the Tang Dynasty, and Bao Tong was a kind of yuan copper coin, which only began to exist in the Tang Dynasty. Due to people's use in the early Tang Dynasty, the five baht of Sui Dynasty was used in Tang Gaozu for four years because of its small size and easy mixing. Rectify the chaos. Money. So Bao Tong cast Kaiyuan. Replace the currency used in the sui dynasty. The original Kaiyuan Bao Tong was written by a famous calligrapher in the Tang Dynasty. Ou Yangxun wrote it. Still use the Qin dynasty. Copper coins with round square holes are required to weigh one or two per ten pence and one or two per penny. In the later dynasties, the fonts on coins were specially inscribed by famous calligraphers at that time, and some coins even belonged to the monarch.