There is no longer Wang Yangming in the world" Text/Liuguang Shuhen
There is no longer Wang Yangming in the world
In ancient times, there was a saying of "three immortals", namely, establishing virtue, establishing merit, and establishing words. To establish virtue is to have high moral standards; to establish meritorious service is to establish meritorious service; to establish speech is to write books and establish opinions. Throughout ancient history, there are very few people who can achieve morality, meritorious service and speech at the same time. In Chinese history, "establishing virtue, meritorious service and speech" There are two and a half people who are very conspicuous. The two people refer to Zhuge Liang and Wang Yangming, and the other half refers to Zeng Guofan. The ancients called Wang Yangming the "Three True Immortals". He was a perfect person in ancient and modern times. Some scholars in the Qing Dynasty called him "Ming Dynasty". "First-class figure". Wang Yangming was a famous thinker, philosopher, politician, military strategist, writer, and calligrapher in the Ming Dynasty.