During the reign of Song Taizong, a man named Wang Zhu studied Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and soon grasped the essence of it, and was appointed as an academician by Emperor Taizong. While dealing with government affairs, Emperor Taizong liked to practice calligraphy. He once asked the chamberlain to give Wang Zhupin a comment with his own work several times, but every time Wang Zhupin said that it was not good enough, Taizong practiced harder.
Emperor Taizong once again asked his attendants to ask Wang Zhu with his new words, and Wang Zhu's answer was still the same as at first. When asked about Wang Zhu's intention, Wang Zhu said: "The emperor's calligraphy is already very good, but if it is written well at once, I am afraid that the emperor will never be as diligent as before." After that, Tang Taizong's calligraphy was exquisite, surpassing many famous calligraphers before, and the world said that it all benefited from Wang Zhu's encouragement.
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The story of Wang Zhu.
Wang Zhu is strict, even the emperor is no exception. He is strict with his teachers and friends, teaches well and is good at seduction. Learning should be humbly asked for advice in order to make progress. Emperor Taizong studied calligraphy, perhaps out of interest, but occasionally, there is no need to be serious. On the other hand, Wang Zhu is a serious man. He is as strict with his students as an emperor, even a little harsh. His (Wang Zhu's) attitude of being a teacher is worth learning. From Tang Taizong's point of view, he was not ashamed to ask questions, practiced calligraphy persistently, studied hard, and finally made a difference.
On one occasion, Song Taizu hosted a banquet for his ministers. Wang Zhu, a bachelor of Hanlin, was a courtier in the later Zhou Dynasty. At this time, he was drunk, missed his old master and made a noise in public. Ministers were so scared that they all sweated for him. Mao didn't blame him, but ordered someone to help him out to have a rest. Wang Zhu refused to go out, hiding behind the screen and crying loudly. As a result, he was saved by people on both sides.
The next day, some people said that Wang Zhu cried in public and missed Zhou Shizong, so he should be severely punished. Mao said, "He is drunk. I was a minister with him when I was in Sejong, and I was familiar with his temper. He is a scholar, and crying to death will not be a big problem. Let him go.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Wang Zhu teaches the emperor to learn books