1. 1 Why should I learn to type?
1.2 understand the keyboard
1.2. 1 Keyboard Introduction
1.2.2 keyboard partition
1.3 keyboard operation
1.3. 1 fingering rules
1.3.2 Correct sitting posture
1.4 fingering exercises
1.4. 1 Open Notepad.
1.4.2 standard fingering exercises for key parts
1.4.3 Comprehensive fingering exercises
1.5 Practice fingering with Kingsoft typing.
Install Jinshan typing software
1.5.2 Start Jinshan typing program.
1.5.3 English typing
1.5.4 typing game
1.6 Summary of this chapter
1.7 customs clearance exercise
The second chapter introduces the basic knowledge of Wu Bi font.
2. 1 Introduction of Chinese Input Method
2. 1. 1 Chinese input method
2. 1.2 The system comes with Chinese input method.
2.2 Installation and introduction of Wu Bi font input method
2.2. 1 Install Wu Bi input method.
2.2.2 Select input method
2.2.3 Wu Bi font input method version
2.2.4 Advantages of Wu Bi font input method
2.3 Basic knowledge of Wu Bi font input method
2.3. 1 tertiary Chinese characters
2.3.2 Five strokes of Chinese characters
2.3.3 Three Chinese Character Fonts
2.4 Wubi radical aspect
2.4. 1 key position distribution and position number of radicals
2.4.2 Distribution of Wu Bi Roots
2.4.3 Five-stroke radical mnemonic method
2.4.4 Five-stroke radical mnemonics in detail
2.5 Practicing the Roots of Typing with Jinshan
2.6 Overview of this chapter
2.7 customs clearance exercises
Chapter III Splitting and Input of Wu Bi Fonts
3. 1 The first knowledge of word segmentation-the structural relationship between word roots
3.2 Five-stroke font splitting principle
3.3 Chinese character split and input
3.3. 1 Example of Chinese Character Splitting
3.3.2 Last cross identification code
3.3.3 Input of Chinese Characters Outside Keys
3.3.4 Chinese character input with key names
3.3.5 Input of Chinese character radicals
3.3.6 Input common radicals
3.3.7 Input Single Stroke Chinese Characters
3.4 Simplify code input
3.4. 1 level 1 simplified code
3.4.2 Secondary Simplified Code
3.4.3 Three-level Simplified Code
3.5 phrase input
1. Input of two-word phrases
2. Three-word phrase input
3. Input of four-word phrases
4. Multi-word phrase input
3.6 Use Kingsoft Typing for training.
1. Word practice
Practice phrases
Practice the article
4. Speed test
3.7 Overview of this chapter
3.8 customs clearance exercises
Chapter 4 fully controls the Wu Bi font input method.
4. 1 Input Method Settings
4. 1. 1 Input Method Status Settings
4. 1.2 Input Method Attribute Settings
4. 1.3 Default Input Method Settings
4. 1.4 Shortcut Settings for Input Method
4. 1.5 deletion and addition of input method
4.2 commonly used Wu Bi font input method
4.2. 1 par five
1. Five-bar installation
Step 2 make five strokes with a pole
4.2.2 Five strokes added together
4.2.3 Five strokes of sea breeze
4.2.4 Intelligent Wu Bi
Universal five brushes
4.2.6 Other five-stroke input method software
4.3 uninstall the five-stroke input method
1. Use the uninstall function of the software to uninstall the input method.
2. Uninstall the input method by using the add or delete program that comes with the system.
4.4 Overview of this chapter
4.5 customs clearance exercises
Chapter V Foundation of Word2007
5. Start and exit of1word2007
5. The beginning of1.1word2007
5. 1.2 Exit Word 2007
5.2 Word 2007 operation interface
5.3 Basic operation of files
5.3. 1 new document
1. Create a new blank document.
2. Create a new blog document
3. New Copybook for calligraphy
5.3.2 Opening and closing documents
1. Open the document
2. Close the document
5.3.3 Save the document.
1. Save the newly created document.
2. Save the existing document
3. Set automatic saving
5.4 Overview of this chapter
5.5 customs clearance exercises
Chapter VI Making Power Failure Notice
6. 1 Enter text
6. 1. 1 Enter Chinese, English and digital texts.
1. Enter Chinese text.
2. Enter English text
Enter a number.
6. 1.2 Insert special symbols
1. Use soft keyboard
2. Use symbol buttons
6. 1.3 Insert date and time
6.2 Basic operation of text
Select text
1. Use the mouse
Using the keyboard
Use the selected column
Move text
Copy text
Insert text
Delete text
6.2.6 Finding and replacing text
1. Find text
Substitution text
6.3 Overview of this chapter
6.4 customs clearance exercises
Chapter 7 Layout Settings of Word2007
7. 1 Formulate regulations on the management of staff dormitory.
7. 1. 1 font format setting
1. Use the floating toolbar
2. Use the Font dialog box
7. 1.2 Character spacing setting
7. 1.3 format paragraph
1. Set paragraph alignment.
2. Set paragraph indentation
Use tab stops
4. Set paragraph spacing and line spacing
7. 1.4 Add bullets and numbers
1. Add bullets
Add a number
7.2 Production Work Summary Report
7.2. 1 Use templates
1. Create a document using a template
2. Customize the template
7.2.2 Add borders and shadows
1. Add borders and shadows to characters.
2. Add borders and shading to paragraphs
3. Set page borders and shading
Use style
1. Apply built-in styles
Create a new style
7.3 Overview of this chapter
7.4 customs clearance exercises
Chapter 8 Use of Word2007 Tables and Charts
8. 1 Make user feedback form
8. 1. 1 Create a table
1. Insert table
Draw a table
Edit table
8. 1.2 Set table style
8. 1.3 Edit table text
8.2 Make a chart of employees' assistance to the disaster area.
Create a chart
1. Insert chart
2. Edit chart data
8.2.2 Beautify the chart
1. Format the chart
2. Set the chart title
3. Set the chart area
4. Set the drawing area
5. Set the legend
Step 6 Set coordinate axes
7. Display data labels and grid lines
8.3 Overview of this chapter
8.4 customs clearance exercises
Chapter 9 Word2007 Graphic Mixed Layout
9. 1 Making wedding invitations
9. 1. 1 Insert and edit autoshapes
1. Drawing canvas
2. Insert AutoShape
3. Edit AutoShape
9. 1.2 Insert and edit pictures
1. Insert picture
Edit pictures
9. 1.3 Inserting and Editing WordArt
1. Insert WordArt
2. Edit WordArt
9.2 List outstanding employees.
Insert and edit SmartArt graphics
1. Insert SmartArt graphic.
2. Edit SmartArt graphics
9.2.2 Inserting and Editing Clip Art
1. Understanding the Clip Art Task Pane
Insert clip art
Edit clip art
9.2.3 Insert and edit a text box
1. Insert text box
2. Edit the text box
9.3 Overview of this chapter
9.4 customs clearance exercises
Chapter 10 Typesetting and Printing of Word2007
Product introduction of 10. 1
10. 1. 1 Insert and edit the cover page.
1. Insert cover page
Edit cover
10. 1.2 Page Setup
1. margin setting
2. Paper Settings
3. Layout settings
4. Document grid settings
5. Page background settings
10.2 make a special time sheet for the company.
10. 2. 1 Insert and set the header and footer.
1. Insert header and footer
2. Set the header and footer
Insert and set page numbers
1. Insert page number
set the page number
10.2.3 Print the document
1. Install the printer.
print preview
3. Print format settings
10.3 special layout
1. Change the direction of the text
2. Column typesetting
3. initial sink
4. Chinese layout
10.4 Summary of this chapter
10.5 clearance drill
Chapter 1 1 Advanced features of Word2007
1 1. 1 production post responsibility regulations
11.1.1Use the outline view.
1. Organize document structure with outline view.
2. Use master document to manage documents
3. Insert and edit subdocuments
1 1. 1.2 Insert indexes and directories.
2. Insert and edit the table of contents
1 1. 1.3 Insert and edit fields.
1. Insert field
2. Edit the domain
1 1.2 Making company publicity page
1 1.2. 1 Insert Excel worksheet.
1 1.2.2 Insert PowerPoint presentation.
1 1.2.3 Save as a webpage.
1. Create a Web page
Insert hyperlink
1 1.3 Summary of this chapter
1 1.4 customs clearance exercise
Appendix a division of common roots
Appendix B Word2007 500 practical skills