As the saying goes: No matter how big the pancake is, it is not as big as the pot. No matter how great a person's achievements are, they cannot be greater than his pattern. As the saying goes: "A great wise man must be humble, a great kind man must be tolerant. Only a little wise man is aggressive, and a little kind man is careless." Many times, if you care too much about trivial things, you are looking for trouble for yourself. You know, life is only a hundred years short, there is really no need to waste time getting entangled with unimportant people and things.
Su Shi of the Song Dynasty was repeatedly persecuted by Zhang Dun due to court disputes and was demoted along the way. Zhang Dun even wanted to demote Su Shi to Hainan and let him die in the wilderness. Fortunately, he is as open-minded as Su Shi. Even in desperate situations, he remains calm and laughs off everything. Later, Zhang Dun was dismissed as prime minister, and Su Shi was acquitted and returned to Beijing. Zhang Dun's son was afraid that Su Shi would take revenge on the Zhang family when he returned, so he wrote to him overnight to plead for mercy. But after reading the letter, Su Shi wrote this sentence in his reply: "But there is no point in talking about the past, just talking about the future." Everything has passed, so there is no need to mention it again. Take good care of yourself. He also sent medicine to Zhang Dun who was ill, hoping that he would recover soon. Faced with the harm Zhang Dun had caused him in the past, Su Shi chose not to care anymore. There is a saying that goes well: "Happiness does not come from having more, but from caring less. To let others go is to let yourself go." Maybe some people will refute me with "Don't persuade others to do good without others suffering." But I believe that "letting go is the best medicine to cure everything." Let go of obsessions, let go of hatred, let go of fame and fortune. In this life, the most difficult thing to walk is the mind; the most difficult thing to walk is the heart; the most difficult thing to understand is the human heart. .
It is usually people’s favorite mistake to dwell on unpleasant things and ignore those good and happy times! Mr. Carnegie once said: "We only live in the world for a few decades, but we waste a lot of time worrying about small things that will be forgotten within a year. What a terrible loss." As the saying goes , the Tao is different, there is no need to conspire against each other, and the three views are not consistent, there is no need to argue. You might as well deal with it magnanimously and laugh at it.
The height of life is not how many things you see clearly, but how many things you underestimate!