The mountain is not high, and the fairy is famous. The water is not deep, and the dragon is the spirit. I am a humble room, but I am virtuous. The moss marks on the upper steps are green, and the grass is green. There is no Ding Bai who laughs and has a university. You can tune the pipa and read Jin Dian. There is no confusion, and there is no complicated form. Zhuge Lu in Nanyang and Ting Yun Pavilion in West Shu. Kong Ziyun: "What's the matter?"
The mountain doesn't have to be high, it's famous and immortal. The water doesn't have to be deep. For dragons, this is supernatural. Although this is a humble house, it's just that my personality is beautiful (so I don't feel humble). Moss is green, growing on the steps, and grass is green, reflected in the curtains. I talk and laugh with learned people, and there is no such thing as ignorant people. You can play simple guqin and read precious Buddhist scriptures. No loud music disturbs your ears, and no official documents make you physically and mentally exhausted. Just like Zhuge Liang's thatched cottage in Nanyang and Yang Ziyun's porch pavilion in West Shu. Confucius said, "What is so simple?"