original text
Wang Yi has few records. He is new here and Zhi Daolin is not here. Sun Xinggong said to the King of Qi, "Zhi Daolin is complacent in bringing forth the old and bringing forth the new. Do you want to see him? " Wang Ben has his own loyalty, but he is extremely light. Grandchildren and * * * sent to Wang Xu and Wang Du, they ignored each other. Instantly retreat. Later, while Wang was walking, the bus had reached the door. He said to Wang, "You can't go. I'm being original and talking to you." On Zhuangzi's free travel. The novelty and decay of flowers need a thousand words. Wang Sui untied his tunic, so he couldn't stay.
Wang: Wang Xizhi (303-361) was born in Linyi (present-day Shandong). Calligraphers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty were good at Li, Cao, Kai and Xing. The masterpiece Preface to the Orchid Pavilion is known as "the best book in the world" and "the sage of books", and it is also called "two kings" with its son Wang Xianzhi. Successive secretary, general Ningyuan, Jiangzhou secretariat, later literature and history records, right general. In the 11th year of Yonghe (355), he claimed to be ill and abandoned his official position. Five years after Shengping (36 1), he died in Jinting, Huiji (now Shaoxing, Zhejiang).
Zhi Daolin: Zhi Dun (3 14-366), whose real name is Dao Lin, is called Zhi Gong in the world, also known as Gong Lin, also known as Zhi Zhi. Formerly known as Guan (now Kaifeng City, Henan Province), or Hedong (now Linxian County, Henan Province). Monks, Buddhists and writers in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He was a Buddhist at home and became a monk at the age of 25. He is proficient in the classics of Prajna's Way and Practice, and has written books such as Sage Without Debate, The Purpose of Tao, and Learning Tao. In On the Metaphysics of Instant Color, he put forward the idea that "color is the foundation of emptiness", established the meaning of Prajna as color, and became the representative figure of Prajna's "six schools and seven schools" at that time. Zhi Dun is a typical conversationalist. He is famous for talking about Hyunri and making friends with Xie An and Wang Xizhi. , and the famous "Zhuangzi Xiaoyao Tour" is amazing to all the sages.
Sun Xingguo: Sun Chuo (314-371) was born in Zhongdu, Taiyuan (now Pingyao, Shanxi). Love seclusion less, like to travel around the mountains. He is knowledgeable, good at literature and famous for his literary talent, and Xu Xun is also a celebrity for a while. In terms of calligraphy, Zhang Huaiguan's Book End ranks fourth. He once wrote Sui Chu Fu and Tiantai Mountain Fu, and compiled Sun Tingwei Collection to attack Changle Hou. At the beginning, he was Dr. imperial academy, who moved to the business, and served as Chang 'an county magistrate, Jianwei long history, right army long history and Yongjia magistrate. When Ai Jin Dee was in mourning, he left to ride an ordinary servant and took a job in A Lang. Huan Wen and Ah Fu were prevented from moving their capital to Luoyang, and Ting Weiqing. Taihe died in the sixth year (37 1) at the age of 58.