That is g month = =v022h.
(2) The surface gravity of the moon is equal to its surface gravity, that is, GMMR 2 = mg month.
It is also known that m = ρ 43 π R3.
So ρ = 3g month 4 π gr = 3v028 π grh.
(3) The spacecraft makes uniform circular motion around the moon, and gravity acts as a centripetal force, knowing that GMMR 2 = MV2R.
The solution is v = GMR = g month r = v0r2h.
A: (1) The gravitational acceleration of the lunar surface is g month = = v022h;;
(2) The average density of the moon ρ = 3g month 4π GR = 3v028π GRH;
(3) The speed of the spacecraft orbiting the lunar surface v = v0r2h.