Shi Shuo Xin Yu records that when Wang Huizhi entered Beijing, he moored his boat by the Qingxi River, and Huan Yi happened to pass by the shore. They were strangers, and it happened that someone on the boat recognized him as the wild king. Wang Huizhi immediately asked someone to say to Huan Yi, "Wenjunshan plays the flute, try to play it for me." At this time, Huan Yi was a powerful person, but he was still very open-minded. He immediately got off the bus and squatted on Hu's bed to "make three adjustments and get on the bus", but the two never said a word. Later, Cheng Dachang, a poet in the Song Dynasty, recorded the story of "Huan Yi dismounted and took three lanes of flute", which was interpreted as Huan Yi playing and composing music for three lanes.