Wang Guzhi, named Zuo, also named Renfu. Later, the character "Che" was removed and his name was "Fu". This was the name he adopted. His nickname is by which he became popular in the world. Living in Huangyantai, it is now assigned to the territory of Taiping County. When he was young, he composed poems and practiced cursive calligraphy, and roamed around the capital. One of his countrymen committed a crime, and Wang Gu waited in front of the government to find out the case. The officials arrested all the people in Jinghou together and tortured Wang Guzhi's fellow villagers' wives and children very urgently. Wang Guzhi preferred to be violated and humiliated, and ultimately did not tell the whereabouts of Wang Guzhi's wives and children from his hometown. Later, he was sent to the prison of the Ministry of Punishment. He stood alone in the hot sun and did not mix with the prisoners. One of the principals, Li Tingmei, found it very strange. When he went through his clothes and hats, he found some poems by Ke Xueshi, and asked Wang Guzhi, "Can you compose a poem?" and asked him to compose a poem with the title of Sun Shadow, (1) After the meeting) the poem was completed, Li Tingmei released Wang Guzhi, and Wang Guzhi made a long bow and left. The officials in charge of the prison laughed. However, Wang Guzhi also gained fame.
Wang Guzhi became friends with the minister Huang Dingxuan and the minister Xie Fangshi. Wang Guzhi once served as Xie Fangshi's staff, but Xie Fangshi left because his parents died. He served as an adviser to Lin Kechong, who went abroad as an envoy. He served as an aide to Wang Cunjing, a foreign official, and Wang Cunjing also went on missions. He is in charge of appointing Ru Xiu's staff, and this master is always there. Suddenly the request was not fulfilled.
Wang Guzhi lived in the capital for thirty years. He had no servants and no pots, dishes or utensils. There are five or six large boxes, in which there are only a few hundred poems and paintings, and a jug of wine is stored in the middle. I take it out every morning and drink a spoonful or two, and then lock it before leaving. Bottles made of burnt dried glutinous rice are popular in Beijing during the Shangyuan Festival. They can be filled with water to raise fish. The side is illuminated by candles. They are bright and beautiful, and are known as cannon lanterns among the people. Wang Guzhi bought one and put it in the Xie Guan, where he played children-like games every day.
One day, he accidentally broke it and was very unhappy. He said: "My whole life's belongings have been here, and now they are gone!" Just when he was about to write cursive, he met a small official. , said: "It actually defeated my interest." Many petty officials wanted to beat him, and some made plans privately. Wang Guzhi said: "I should have been beaten, and fighting also made my reputation more prominent. One day when I met these people on the road, I was really beaten. He took it alone and left without caring. Some people advised him to seek an official position. , he said loudly: "Did I come to the capital to get an official title?" "Someone asked, "Why don't you take the imperial examination? He smiled and replied: "How can you restrain me the same way you restrain a child?" "
He was once in a tavern and sighed: "This is also part of the career of fame. "The Taoist priest of Xianling Palace asked him to be a teacher in the school, and the gifts and benefits were very generous. After a month, he suddenly resigned and said: "How can I sit at the desk and use pen and ink so tiredly? " Link rushed to an overseas mission and wanted him to go with him, but he didn't agree. Someone asked him why, and he said: "He is not as strong as me, how can I do things for him! Since ancient times, there has been no restriction on the number of famous people who do not go to sea. Does it mean that they must go to sea in order to develop quickly? ”
Wang Guzhi has an upright character and is unwilling to give in to others like this. However, he has an upright temperament and will not twist his mind. When he meets someone he likes, he will be happy and forget to leave, and people are willing to be with him. The person who wrote this article said: “Mr. How can you say it's fun! According to the investigation, Shen Zhonglu met Wang Guzhi and asked him for his address, name and place of origin. Wang Guzhi said: "You don't need to ask, I am probably a strange person!" "He also likes his own way!
"Zhou Guan" records scholars, farmers, industry and commerce, and Ban Gu's "Hanshu? Ancient and Modern People" divides ancient and modern figures into nine grades. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there has been a nine-grade system. I have always I know Wang Guzhi, but I can't tell what kind of person he is.
Two: Expansion
Original text:
Wang Guzhi, named Zuo, courtesy name Ren. Later, he became a chaplain. In ancient times, he took his own name and traveled around the world by his name. He lived in Huangyan, which is now part of Taiping County.
I rarely wrote poetry and cursive writing, roaming the capital. There are people from the countryside who sit in the office and wait for the officials in ancient times. The officials arrested the waiting persons and inquired about their children in a hurry. Gu Zhi was willing to be invaded and humiliated, but he did not say where he was. When he was imprisoned by the Ministry of Punishment, he stood up to the scorching sun independently and did not join other prisoners. Li was in charge of the beauty of the court. He checked the cloakroom and found some poems by Ke Xueshi, and asked him, "Can you write poems?" The jailers all laughed, but Gu Zhi also got his name naturally. I am friendly with today's minister Huang Dingxuan and minister Xie Fangshi. Taste the main square stone, and the square stone will go away with sorrow. The main forest gives things to overcome the conflict, and the resistance to the attack makes the country of the sea. The king's members show respect to others, and they also send envoys to show respect. Lord Dingxuanzi is in charge of your cultivation, but this one is always there. But you can't get it if you ask for it.
I have been traveling for thirty years without any servants or cauldrons. There are five or six large cages with hundreds of poems and paintings, and a pot of wine is stored in it. In the morning, I drink from the cage again and again, then return to the cage and leave. On the Shangyuan Festival, the capital burned glutinous sweat into bottles to store water and fish, with screen candles next to them, which were bright and lovely, and were commonly known as cannon lanterns. In ancient times, Jia set up a Xie Guan and played with it every day as a child's play. One day, he touched it by mistake and suddenly felt unhappy, saying: "My whole family life has been here, and now it is all gone!" Fang wrote cursive script, and when the officials arrived, he said: "My prosperity has been suddenly defeated." The group was eager to do so. Beat him up, or he may do it for his own purposes. Gu Zhi said: "I am definitely worthy of being beaten, and beating is my name." One day, he was beaten unexpectedly in various ways. Or to persuade the envoy to become an official, he said loudly: "I am here to be a noble and wealthy person!" "Is it the imperial examination?" Then he smiled and said: "It's safe to treat me as a young man." After tasting it in the wine shop, he sighed: "This is also a career of fame and fame. "The Taoist priest of Xianling Palace invited the master to attend a private school, and the food was very generous. After reading the moon, he suddenly resigned and said: "An Neng is doing Zhu Mo, sitting in a few cases!" Ke Chong's envoy wanted to follow suit, but to no avail. Or ask why, he said: "They are not as strong as me, how can I be able to do it for them! Since ancient times, great sages have heard that there is no limit to people who do not cross the sea. How can the sea be crossed and then it will be faster!" His temperament is strong and unwilling to be a human being. Quite like this. However, the mind is straightforward and does not lead to hidden paths. When you encounter something you understand, you will happily forget it, and people will also enjoy this.
The speaker said: "Mr. Fang Shi tasted the cloud: The world is so big, how can there not be things that are gratifying, lamentable, strange, and ridiculous in the middle? What a great way!" Shen followed the law of Chazhong and tasted it. Gu Zhi asked him about the name of the town, but Gu Zhi said: "You don't need to ask, you are probably a strange person!" He is also good at telling himself! "Officials of the Zhou Dynasty" refers to the four people, and Ban Gu lists the nine ministers and others. Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, he has been the ninth rank of Zhongzheng. I know the ancients and uprights, but I can't see why they are like human beings. A direct biography of Wang Gu.