Yin Zhi was born in March of the 16th year of Kangxi in the Forbidden City. Yin Zhi, whether in literature or calligraphy, or riding and shooting, was outstanding among many Wang Zizhong and was loved by Kangxi. In the 31st year of Kangxi, when Yin Zhi accompanied Emperor Kangxi to hunt in the fortress, he tried to compete with Kangxi, who had always been good at riding and shooting. They were neck and neck, and in March of the thirty-seventh year of Kangxi, he became the county king.
Yin Zhi's main achievements
Yin Zhi was appointed as the inscription of the power and virtue of Emperor Kangxi's mausoleum because of his long calligraphy. Yin Zhi was not very enthusiastic about the Crown Prince, but devoted himself to compiling books. Yin Zhi JaeHee Spring Garden has existed for 23 years, with frequent cultural activities. Our teachers and guests are scholars and nobody, such as Yang, Zhou. Relying on these people, he presided over the compilation of two masterpieces, the Origin of Calendar and the Integration of Ancient and Modern Books.
Fa Li Shu was compiled under the personal leadership of Emperor Kangxi Michelle Ye. Emperor Kangxi not only drew up the editing policy himself, but also took out the draft he had accumulated for decades as the material for compiling mathematics. French Jesuit Bai Jin wrote a letter to French King Louis XIV, saying that Kangxi personally explained geometry to Yin Zhi.
Kangxi opened a museum in Mengyangzhai, Changchun Garden, and sent Yin Zhi to preside over the compilation of Fa Li Yuan, a book about law, calendar and algorithm. It is a series of astronomical mathematics music theory with high value in the history of science and technology in China. The integrated editing of ancient and modern books lasted for 28 years and was divided into 6 parts and 32 classics. This is the largest and most informative book in existence.