It is said that in the summer and June of the second year of Zhangwu, Lu Xun of Soochow defeated Shu soldiers in the land of Yiling. When the late Lord returned to Bai Di, Zhao Yun led his troops to kill him. Suddenly, Ma Liang came. When he saw that the army was defeated, he regretted it. He told Old Master Q what Zhuge Liang said. The late Lord sighed and said, "If I had listened to the Prime Minister's words, I wouldn't have lost today! How to go back to Chengdu to see the minister today? " Then a decree was issued to change the inn into Yong 'an Palace. People reported Feng, Fu Tong, Sha and so on. All died in the king's business, and their ancestors were very sad. The minister said, "Huang Quan led the troops from the north of the Yangtze River to surrender to Wei. Your majesty can send your family to the department for punishment. " The late Lord said, "Huang Quan was intercepted in the north of the Yangtze River and wanted to return to Wei, but the power was mine, not mine. Why should I blame his family? " Still give Mi Lu a raise. When Huang Quan descended to Wei, the generals introduced Cao Pi. Cao Pi said, "Do you want me to reward Chen and Han Ye?" Quan Quan cried, saying, "I owe the Shu master a debt of great kindness and virtue, leading the armies in the north of the Yangtze River, but I was cut off by Lu. I have no choice but to surrender to Shu, and I have come to vote for your majesty. It is fortunate that a defeated general can avoid death, and dare to look up to the ancients! " Pi was overjoyed and made Huang Quan the general of Zhennan. Firm rights are not subject to resignation. Suddenly, the minister came and said, "A meticulous man came from Shu, saying that the master of Shu had killed all Huang Quan's family." "I believe in the Prime Minister," said Quan. "The Lord of Shu knows my heart and will not kill my family." Pai Ran Zhi. Later generations criticized Huang Quan in a poem: "You can't surrender Wu, but Cao. Loyalty and security can serve two dynasties? Unfortunately, Huang Quan is dead, and Ziyang's calligraphy is not light. " know
Cao Pi asked Jia Xu, "If I want to unify the whole country, should I take Shu first? Take Wu first? " Xu Wei said: "Liu Bei is a great talent and Zhuge Liang is good at governing the country;" Wu Dong's Sun Quan can know whether it is true or not, but Lu Xun's garrison is in danger now, and it is difficult to make a plan by crossing the river and flooding the lake. In my opinion, among the generals, there is no match between Sun Quan and Liu Bei. Although His Majesty's divine power came to him, he didn't see the potential of all the solutions. You can only stick to it and wait for the change between the two countries. " Pi said, "I have sent three armies to attack Wu. How can I be invincible? " Ye Liu, the minister, said, "There are 700,000 newly defeated Shu soldiers near Lu Xun in Soochow, and they are all in harmony, which is even more blocked by rivers and lakes. It is impossible to kill them. If Lu Xun is resourceful, he must be prepared. " Pi said, "Your Majesty once advised me to attack Wu, but now I want to stop. Why? " Ye said, "Sometimes there are differences. Yesterday, I was defeated by Shu, and I was frustrated. Now I have won a great victory, I am full of energy and can't attack. " Pi said, "My mind is made up, please don't say anything." Then, he led the body guard to meet the three soldiers and horses. It has long been reported that Wu Dong is ready: Lv Fan will lead the troops to resist Cao Xiu, Zhu Gejin will lead the troops to resist Cao Zhen, Nanjun, and Huan Zhu will lead the troops to resist ruxu and resist Coss. Ye Liu said: "I'm afraid it's useless if I'm prepared." Pi didn't listen and led the army away. owner
Huan Zhu, a general of the State of Wu, is 27 years old and has great courage. Sun Quan loves him very much. When the warlord was in ruxu, he heard that Coss had led an army to take Xianxi, so Huan tried his best to set aside troops to guard Xianxi, leaving only 5,000 troops to ride the city. Suddenly it was reported that Coss had ordered Zhuge Qian, a general, and Xinmeile Co., Ltd. to lead 50,000 elite soldiers to fly to ruxu. All the troops are afraid. Huan pressed his sword and said, "The victory or defeat lies in the generals, not in the number of soldiers. Sun Tzu's Art of War said:' The guest soldiers are twice as many as the main soldiers, and the main soldiers can still beat the guest soldiers.' Coss traveled thousands of miles today, and the soldiers were exhausted. We and you, according to the high city, facing the great river in the south and the dangerous mountain in the north, wait for the merits and take the Lord as the guest: this is the trend of victory. Although xelloss is here, don't worry, Ruren! "So the command, teach all the troops, just for no one to keep formation. room
Let's talk about Wei, the pioneer, who often carves, and leads elite soldiers to take Ruxucheng. There are no military horses in the distance. The eagle urged the army to rush forward, not far from the city, with one gun and one standard. Huan Zhu flew out with a horizontal sword and took the carving straight. War is not a trinity, and it is often engraved under the horse. Wu Bing took the opportunity to kill for a while, and Wei Bing was defeated, killing countless people. Huan Zhu won a great victory, capturing countless banners, weapons and horses. Coss led the troops to come later, and Wu Bing fought Xianxi. Coss was defeated and retreated, so he went back to see Wei Zhu and described the defeat in detail. Pi was frightened. During the discussion, Ma Bao suddenly found out: "Cao Zhen and Xia Houshang surrounded Nanjun, and were ambushed by Lu Xun, while Zhu Gejin was ambushed outside, so he was defeated." Before he finished speaking, a horse thief suddenly reported, "Cao Xiu was also defeated by Lv Fan." When Pi heard that the three roads were badly defeated, he sighed in shame: "I didn't listen to Jia Xu and Liu Ye, and I lost!" It was summer, and the epidemic was prevalent. Ten or sixty-seven troops were killed, so he returned to Luoyang with a great army. Wu and Wei never got along. owner
It is said that my late master was in Yong 'an Palace, and he was seriously ill. In the summer of Zhangwu for three years, my late master knew that he was sick in his limbs, crying for help and brother, and his condition became worse and worse: his eyes were dim. Tired of watching the attendants, they were dismissed left and right, leaving Wolong couch alone. Suddenly, the evil wind suddenly blew out the lamp, put out the lamp, and restored vision. I saw two people standing in the shadow of the lamp. The late Lord said angrily, "I'm upset." I told you to retire. Why did you come again? " Never give up. The first master looked at it. The first one was Yun Chang, and the second one was Yi De. The late master was frightened and said, "Is the second brother still there?" "I'm not a person, I'm a ghost," said Yunshang. God regards the priest and his wife as God, and they keep their faith all their lives. Brother and brother get together not far away. " My late master decided to cry. Suddenly startled, the second brother disappeared. That is, on the third night, someone was asked. The late Lord sighed, "I will die soon!" " So he sent envoys to Chengdu, invited Prime Minister Zhuge Liang and his ministers to order Li Yanxing to come to Yong 'an Palace at night to listen to his orders. Kong Ming and his second sons Liu Liuyong and Liang Liuli went to Yong 'an Palace to see the emperor, leaving Chen in Chengdu. When Kongming arrived at Yong 'an Palace, he saw that his late master was in critical condition, and hurriedly bowed down under the dragon couch. The late Lord sent a message asking Kong Ming to sit by the dragon couch. Touching his back, he said, "I am proud to be a prime minister, and I am fortunate to be an emperor;" When the wisdom is shallow and humble, you don't accept the words of the Prime Minister and bring your own defeat. Regret turned into illness and death was imminent. My nephew is weak and has to rely on big things. " After that, I burst into tears. Kong Ming also sobbed and said, "May your majesty protect the dragon body as the hope of the world!" I saw Ma Liang's younger brother Ma Su standing by and ordered him to leave. When he retired, the late Lord called Zhuge Liang, "What does the Prime Minister think of Ma Su's talents?" Kong Ming said, "This man is also an outstanding person in the world." The late Lord said, "Otherwise. My opinion of this man is a little exaggerated, and it won't take much. The Prime Minister should conduct an in-depth inspection. " After paying the money, the ministers were summoned to the temple, took paper and pens to write the testamentary edict, and gave it to Kong Ming, sighing, "I don't study, but I have a general idea. The sage said,' When a bird is dying, its song is also sad; When people are dying, their words are very good. "I should have been equal to the Qing dynasty to destroy cao thief, and * * * helped Korea; Unfortunately, don't take the middle road. It is troublesome for the Prime Minister to hand over the imperial edict to the Zen Prince. Don't take it for granted. I hope that the Prime Minister will teach me everything! " Kong Ming and others cried and bowed to the ground, saying, "May your majesty calm down the dragon! I have done my best to repay your majesty's kindness. " The latter ordered the chamberlain to help Kong Ming up, covering his tears with one hand and holding his hand with the other. He said, "I died today, and I have something to tell you from my heart!" " Zhuge Liang said, "What is the Oracle?" The late Lord cried, "Although you are ten times as talented as Cao Pi, you will surely make great achievements and settle the world. If the heir can make up, he will make up; If he is incompetent, you can be the master of Chengdu. " After hearing this, Kong Ming was sweating all over, and his hands and feet were in a panic. He cried and fell to his knees and said, "I dare to do my best to serve my country faithfully and then die!" After that, I kowtowed and bled. The late Lord asked Zhuge Liang to sit on the couch, called Liu Yong, king of Lu, and Liu Li, king of Liang, to him and said, "You all remember my words: after my death, all three brothers should take their father as prime minister, and we must not neglect them." Having said this, he ordered the two kings to worship Zhuge Liang. After the two kings bowed down, Kong Ming said, "I can repay you for painting all over the ground!" The late Lord said to his ministers, "I have entrusted my solitary life to the Prime Minister and asked my heirs to work for my parents. Your Excellency and others must not ignore them and let me down. " He also said to Zhao Yun: "I am in trouble with you. From now on, we will be together and don't want to be separated here. You can miss my old friends and visit my son sooner or later. Don't betray me. " Cloud cried and worshipped: "Dogs and horses dare not help!" The late Lord also called officials and said, "You and other officials, we can't tell each other, but we both want to love ourselves." He died at the age of 63. When Zhangwu was three years old, it was also April 24th in summer. Later, Du Gongbu wrote a poem, lamenting, "The Lord of Shu saw Wu Xiang's Three Gorges, and the year of his death was also in Yong 'an Palace. Cui Hua imagined an empty mountain, and the Jade Temple was a void in the empty temple. On the pine trees in the ancient temple, water cranes nest. In summer and winter festivals, the people who come are the elders of the village. The heads of Wuhou Temple live next to each other, and the monarch and the minister share sacrifices. " archaic
The death of my late master, civil and military bureaucrats, is all sad. Kong Ming led officials back to Chengdu from Zigong. Liu Yuxin Chen went out to meet the coffin and settled down in the main hall. After the mourning ceremony, read the testamentary edict. Zhao said: "I started to get sick, but my ears had diarrhea;" I almost didn't help myself after I became a miscellaneous disease. I heard that "50-year-old people are not precocious." Today, I am over 60 years old. What do I hate when I die? But I miss your brother. Encourage it! Encourage it! Don't do it with little evil, and don't do it with little good. Only virtue and virtue can serve people; Your father's virtue is thin, but it is not effective. Qing and the prime minister are like fathers, don't be lazy! Don't forget! Brother Qing wants Vinda more. Sincerely! Sincerely! "Ministers have finished reading the imperial edict. Kong Ming said, "The country cannot live without a monarch for a day. Please adopt an heir to inherit the Han Dynasty. "Established the prince zen for mercy, instead of xing. Add Zhuge Liang as the marquis of Wuxiang, and lead Yizhou to pasture. He was buried in Hui Ling and was called Emperor Zhaolie. Wu Zetian is the empress dowager; Mrs. Gan is the Empress Zhao Lie, and Mrs. Mi is also the Empress. Raise the princes and grant Amnesty to the world. Wei Jun has discovered this matter and reported it to the Central Plains. A close minister knows the master of Wei. Cao Pi was overjoyed and said, "Liu Bei is dead, so I have nothing to worry about. Why not take advantage of the fact that his country has no owner and attack it? Jia Xu remonstrated: "Liu Bei will believe Zhuge Liang even though he is dead." . If you have a feeling of knowing the kindness of others, you will do your best to support your successor. Your majesty must not be too hasty. "Just then, suddenly a man rushed out of the class and said," If you don't take this opportunity to attack, when will you wait? "It is widely admired by Sima Yi. Pi was overjoyed and asked Yu Yi. Sima Yi said, "If only China's soldiers are there, it will be difficult to win. It is necessary to attack from all sides with five soldiers, so that Zhuge Liang can't save the enemy from beginning to end, and then he can make a profit. When Pi asked Yi where to go, Yi said, "You can write a book and send it to Xianbei in Liaodong." . Seeing King Kebi Neng, he took gold and silk as reward and commanded 100,000 Qiang soldiers in western Liaoning. Take the dry road to Xipingguan first. This route is also possible. Then he wrote a book and sent an imperial edict to Nanman. When he saw barbarian king Meng Huo, he ordered 100,000 troops to attack Yizhou, Yongchang, Zhang Si and Yuesi counties to attack the south of surprisingly. This is also the second way. Then he sent messengers to Wu Xiu's land, let him divide the land, let Sun Quan raise 100,000 soldiers, attack the two Sichuan Gorges and take the Fucheng: these three roads are also available. You can also send an envoy to General Meng Da, take 100,000 troops and attack Hanzhong in the west: these four roads are also possible. He also appointed Cao Zhen as the commander-in-chief, led hundreds of soldiers out of Yangpingguan and took Xichuan. These five channels are also. * * * five hundred thousand soldiers, five road ahead. Zhuge Liang will have the talent of Lv Wang. Could Ann be this? Pi was overjoyed and sent four officials after him. He appointed Cao Zhen as the viceroy, led hundreds of troops and took Yangpingguan. At this time, Zhang Liao and a group of old generals were sealed in Hebei, Xu, Qing, Hefei and other places, guarding Guanjin Pass and were no longer called. Liu Chan, the late ruler of Shu and Han Dynasties, said that since he ascended the throne, many old ministers have died of illness, so I can't go into details. All matters such as court election, money and food, litigation, etc. are handled by Prime Minister Zhuge as appropriate. Before the late Lord established a queen, Kong Ming and his ministers said, "So the daughter of Zhang Fei, a general riding a chariot, is very virtuous. She is seventeen years old and can be regarded as the queen of the palace. "The queen will accept it. know
In the autumn and August of the first year of Jianxing, a newspaper suddenly said, "Wei transferred five soldiers to Xichuan; The first way, Cao Zhen as viceroy, arise and hundreds, take Yangpingguan; On the second road, Meng Da turned against him and attacked Hanzhong with 100,000 soldiers. The third way, Sun Quan of Soochow, chose 100,000 soldiers and took the gorge into Sichuan. On the fourth road, barbarian king Meng Huo attacked Yizhou four counties with hundreds of barbarians. On the fifth road, Wang Fan Kirby led hundreds of Qiang troops to attack Xipingguan. The Fifth Route Army is very interested. " I have reported to the Prime Minister first, but I don't know why, and nothing has happened for several days. Hearing this, the deceased was very scared and immediately sent someone to call Zhuge Liang to the palace. After half a day's work, I came back: "The people in the Prime Minister's house said that the Prime Minister could not be sick." After the Lord turned to panic; The next day, he ordered Dong Yun, assistant minister of Huangmen, and Du Qiong, a consultant doctor, to tell him this great event before the Prime Minister's bed. Dong and Du are not allowed to enter the Prime Minister's office. Du Qiong said, "The first emperor believed in the Prime Minister, but now the master has just ascended the throne, and Cao Pi's five troops have invaded the territory, so the military situation is urgent. Why can't the Prime Minister get rid of the disease? " After a long time, the doorman sent an order from the Prime Minister, saying, "You are not feeling well, so you should leave the capital tomorrow morning for discussion." Dong and Du sighed and returned. The next day, many officials came to the prime minister's office to serve. I never saw it again from morning till night. Many officials panicked and had to disperse. When Du Qiong went in, the Lord said, "Please come to the Prime Minister's office and ask for advice." The late Lord led many officials into the palace and played the role of the Queen Mother. The queen mother was frightened and said, "Why is the Prime Minister doing this? It means entrusted by the late emperor! I should go by myself. " Dong Yun said, "Empress, don't take it lightly. I expect the Prime Minister to have a wonderful view. Then wait for the Lord to go first. If there is any negligence, please ask the Empress in the ancestral temple and ask the Prime Minister to ask. " The queen mother followed suit. know
The next day, the master drove to Xiangfu. As soon as the doorman saw the arrival, he quickly bowed to the ground and greeted him. The late Lord asked, "Where is the Prime Minister?" The doorman said, "I don't know where it is. Only the Prime Minister has ordered you to stop being an official, and you can't get involved. " He got off the bus and walked into the third door alone. He saw Zhuge Liang watching fish by the pond with a bamboo pole. The late Lord stood behind for a long time, but said slowly, "Is the Prime Minister happy?" Looking back, Zhuge Liang found that he had died. Hurriedly threw down his staff and bowed to the ground, saying, "I'll die a thousand times!" " The late Lord lifted him up and asked, "Cao Pi is divided into five armies now, and it's urgent. Why doesn't Xiangfu refuse to go out to see things? " Kongming laughed and helped the Lord into the inner room and sat down. He said, "Five soldiers have arrived. I don't know how safe I am. I'm not watching fish, but I have some ideas. " The late Lord said, "What can we do?" Zhuge Liang said: "Wang Qiang Ke is better than Neng, barbarian king Meng Huo, and Meng Da and Cao Wei Zhen turned against each other;" The four soldiers, I have all retreated. I have a plan to retreat from Sun Quan's army, but only if he can speak. Because I didn't get the man, I thought about it. Why should your majesty worry? " room
Hearing this, the late Lord was pleasantly surprised. He said: "Ghosts and gods can't happen to each other! I am willing to listen to the strategy of withdrawing troops. " Zhuge Liang said, "My late emperor entrusted your majesty to me, and I dare to neglect it every day. Officials in Chengdu don't know the beauty of the art of war. How can your accident be leaked to others? The veteran prophet Xifan Ke Wang led the troops to commit Xipingguan; I expected that Ma Chao, the ancestor of Xichuan people, won the hearts of Qiang people, who regarded Chao as a great general. I have arrived at Xiping Pass one person ahead, making Ma Chao stay close to Xiping Pass, ambush the four strange soldiers, exchange soldiers every day, and refuse them: don't worry about this road. Meng Huo, a barbarian, invaded four counties, and I also flew to Wei Yanling, sending an army left and right, right and left. This is the plan of a suspicious soldier: barbarian soldiers rely only on courage and are suspicious inside. If they see suspicious soldiers, they are afraid to enter: this road is not worrying enough. It is also known that Meng Da led the troops out of Hanzhong; Da and Li Yan once had a life-and-death relationship; When I returned to Chengdu, Li lived in Yong 'an Palace. I made a book, only Li Yan's handwriting, and gave it to Meng Da. If you achieve your goal, you can't get rid of the disease, so as to slow down morale: this road is not enough. Also know that Cao Zhen led the troops to commit Yangpingguan; This place is steep and can be conservative. I have asked Zhao Yunling to guard the pass and there will be no war. If Ye Zhen sees that our army won't leave, he will soon withdraw. These four soldiers are not worried enough. I'm afraid I can't fully guarantee it, so I sent two generals, Guan Xing and Zhang Bao, each with 30,000 troops, to camp in critical places and help each other. None of these urgent items passed through Chengdu, so no one was conscious. It's just that the soldiers in Wu Dong may not move easily: if they see the victory of the four soldiers and the crisis in Sichuan, they will attack each other; No.4 road is not good. Can Anken move? I expected Sun Quan to think that Cao Pi's three-way invasion of Wu resented his words. Even so, you should go to Wu Dong with a person who is arguing with you, and if you want to make it interesting, you should first retreat to Wu Dong; Why worry about the soldiers of the four roads? But I didn't have to say Wu Zhiren, so I hesitated. His Majesty He Lao is coming? " The queen mother said, "The queen mother also wants to meet her father. Today, I smelled my father's words like a dream. What are you worried about! "You know what?
Kong Ming and his late master * * * had a few drinks and sent them out of the house. All the officials stood outside the door, and their faces lit up when they saw him. After bidding farewell to Kong Ming, the late Lord boarded the imperial car and returned to North Korea. Everyone is confused. Kong Ming saw one of the officials smiling at the sky, and his face lit up. Kong Ming regarded him as a new savage in Yiyang, surnamed Deng, famous for his wisdom and word. Now he is the Minister of Family Affairs. Sima Deng Yu in the later Han Dynasty. Kong Ming secretly made people guard Deng Zhi. When the officials dispersed, Kong Ming invited Zhi to the academy and asked Zhi, "Shu, Wei and Wu are divided into three countries. If you want to win two countries and unify the whole country, which country should you attack first? " Wisdom said, "I think Wei is a thief of the Han Dynasty, but the situation is too great to shake, so I should slow down his plan." Today, when the king first ascended the throne, the people's hearts were not at ease. It is a long-term solution to unite with Wu Dong and get rid of the feud of the first emperor. What is the intention of the Prime Minister without trial? Kong Ming laughed and said, "I've been thinking about it for a long time, but I haven't got that person yet." "Today, I will get it!" Zhi said, "What can I do for you, Prime Minister?" Zhuge Liang said, "I want people to go to Wu Dong. If you can understand this, you can live up to your life. It is not public to make it happen. " Wisdom said, "I'm ignorant and shallow, so I'm afraid I can't bear to take this position." Zhuge Liang said, "If you know the son of heaven in the future, you will invite Miao Bo and his party. Don't refuse. " Cheese agreed and retired. The next day, Zhuge Liang played the right role and sent Deng Zhi to talk about Wu Dong. Zhi said goodbye and looked forward to it. Exactly: Wu people see peace, and Shu envoys will also meet jade and silk. archaic