This place is rather desolate. One semester before I came, one evening, a driver of a carriage was stabbed. There is a carriage between the suburbs of Kunming. This carriage is simple in shape. There are boards on both sides of the carriage, which can seat eight people. The carriage and the money on him were robbed. As he walked, he asked people, "What am I?" What am I? "
So there are several school policemen and two old 79 rifles in this middle school.
The school is on a wide side of the road, with the gate facing north. There are no shops nearby and there are no people around. Outside the northwest wall is an orphanage. There are twenty or thirty children, all of whom are quite thin. There is an administrator. This administrator doesn't come out often, I don't know what it's like, but his voice is familiar to us. He teaches these orphans singing plays every morning and afternoon. He is probably from Yunnan, but he teaches Peking Opera. And it will always be that paragraph: Wujiapo. He sang, and the orphans sang along. "One Horse Leaving the Western Cool World"-"One Horse Leaving the Western Cool World"; "Don't shed tears"-"Don't shed tears". After listening to Wu Jiapo for a year, it really makes people want to cry.
There is a small teahouse in the west of the orphanage, which sells green tea, sunflower seeds and sometimes two pieces of hibiscus cakes. Sell city wine. Kunming's liquor is divided into liter liquor (rose rises again) and municipal liquor. City wine is inferior wine.
Further west, there is a very strange unit called "lice killing station". This is also an international organization, managed by the United States Relief Agency, which specializes in eliminating lice for Kuomintang soldiers. We sometimes see a group of soldiers enter the gate. After a while, we walked around for a while and then saw them drive out. I heard that these soldiers went in, took off their clothes, sprayed some kind of powder on their bodies and clothes, and the lice were eliminated. What's the use? Won't they have lice again in a few days?
We often go out for a walk after lunch and dinner. Across the road from the gate is a large area of farmland. Instead of rice and wheat, carrots are planted in the fields. The carrots in Kunming are very good, light yellow, thick and long, tender and tender, and slightly sweet. College students love to buy it as fruit because it is cheap. Female students especially like it, because it is said that this kind of carrot contains a small amount of arsenic, which can maintain beauty. I often see several female students holding a handful of carrots in their hands. In the dormitory, crunching. The carrot field is very beautiful. Carrot leaves are obscene, with thick green color and dense everywhere. It is no exaggeration to say that it is "a pile of splendid flowers." Further north, there is a canal. There is not often water in the canal. Many fragrant flowers grow on both sides of the canal. When I was in bloom, it was dazzling and fragrant.
There is a hill in the south behind the school. There is a pond on the hill. There is probably spring water under this pond, so the water in the pond is always full and clean. According to the custom of Yunnan people, such a pond should be called "Longtan". There are fish and crucian carp in Longtan. We sometimes fish with homemade fishing rods. The fish here have never been caught, so it's easy to get hooked. Sitting by such a lonely pool, looking up at the blue sky and white clouds and overlooking the fishing line, I don't know where I am.
To the east is the tomb. There is always a flat land in front of Kunming people's graves, which is probably used for exhibitions and worship. Some also have stone tables and benches to sit on. There are some cypress trees here, and there are blue wild chrysanthemums and primroses everywhere. This kind of wild chrysanthemum is tenacious, uprooted and raised in a broken jar, which can bloom for a long time. Later it became a place where American soldiers drove jeeps and took prostitutes to have sex. Every sunny night, you can hear the sound of jeeps on the road. It seems that there are several concentrated places in the United States, and they are not running around. Somehow, they like this place. They left a lot of condoms, shiny and everywhere. Then we stopped coming. This thing is always not so elegant.
Our life is very clear, Jane. Teaching and reading. Play bridge and chat. Eat wild vegetables, eat gray vegetables and wild amaranth. Eat a beetle called pod worm. What I wrote in the novel Lao Lu is true. Oh, we also performed a drama Thunderstorm, which was performed by teachers and students. His name is Wang Hui. The man completely fainted as soon as he came on stage. He is in the wrong position, and the director is in a hurry. He called to him from behind the set, "Wang Hui, come here!" He thought it was a hint, so he shouted on the stage, "Come here!" Let the actors on the same stage be puzzled. He forgot his words and shouted on the stage for no reason: "Gui Lu!" I played Gui Lu and said to myself, Oh, no, this passage is not in Cao Yu's script! I have no choice but to go up and say, "Mistress, what shall I prepare for you when you go to the mine tomorrow? Boil some eggs! " He finally understood: "well, whatever, boiled eggs!" Go! "
Living in poverty, everyone has no disaster. Wang Hui once got tetanus-while playing basketball, she was bruised and infected. A classmate named Dong and another classmate drove an empty car into town. That classmate is sitting in the cab. He leaned against the fender at the back of the truck, and the iron bolt of the fender was loose. He fell down. When he was found, it was broken. He can't speak Chinese, but only English, with only two sentences: "I'm cold, I'm hungry". Over and over again, talking nonstop. Both of them were cured. At that time, we were all young and hard-skinned, and we were not easily knocked down by diseases.
The firecrackers went off. On the day of Japan's surrender, firecrackers were everywhere in Kunming, and Kunming people called the victory of the Anti-Japanese War "firecrackers". This has become a sign for Kunming people to calculate time, such as "the firecrackers didn't go off at that time" and "the firecrackers went off for a month". People in the rear area are busy with "demobilization". Some of our classmates contacted the car and planned to "let me go home on a green spring day". For various reasons, some people can't go back for a while and are a little nervous. Someone copied a Tang poem and posted it on the wall:
The road to the east of the old garden is long.
The tears of the double-sleeved dragon bell are dry,
I'll see you soon. Without paper and pen,
Use your information to report peace.
The poem is right, but the mood is not so sour. The weather in Kunming is so good, what's the reason to leave in a hurry? This middle school was later moved to Baima Temple between Zhuantang and Daguanlou, where I continued to teach for another year until August 1946.
The above is Wang Zengqi's prose "Looking at Farmers" brought to you by the prose column. I hope you like it too.
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