In the history of China, there is only one person who can destroy the great cause of a country with one hand-Wang Xuance! More than a thousand years ago, in the twenty-first year of Zhenguan, the Tang Dynasty sent Wang Xuance as the ambassador and Jiang as the deputy ambassador to Tianzhu (India). It coincided with the usurpation of the throne by Aaron Nashun, the minister of Tianzhu, and the chaos in Tianzhu. Aaron Nashun refused to accept Wang Xuance and arrested all 30 people. Then Wang Xuance fled Tianzhu and went to Tibet to buy horses. He gathered less than10,000 mercenaries and killed them in India. In just three days, Wang Xuance broke through Tianzhu's teapot and Luocheng. Arona shun escaped? Later, he recruited skirmishers to fight back against Wang Xuance, but he was captured. Wang Xuance beheaded thousands of enemies, captured Arona Shun's prince, princess and people, about 20,000 people, and then sent them to Chang 'an to offer prisoners.
Then, because East India had helped Aaron Nashun, Wang Xuance, eager for revenge, attacked East India again. When the body of King Cuomo of East India heard the news, he was terrified out of his wits and ordered an attack on Xuance, expressing his surrender to the Tang Dynasty with countless jewels, jade articles, gold and silver and wreaths. Xuance gave up and reported to the DPRK. After hearing this, the emperor was overjoyed and immediately awarded Xuance as a doctor who scattered the DPRK.
How many people does a person recruit only by leasing?
Thousands of stragglers wiped out the whole of India, and Wang Xuance was the only one in history. However, there is no accurate and detailed record of this unprecedented historical fact. Even many people have never heard of this name, and many historians remain silent about this history, resulting in the hero of one-man destruction being buried. That's a real pity. In all fairness, it is no less difficult for Wang Xuance to win the battle than all miracle wars in history, which highlights the legend of Wang Xuance. The strength of the Tang empire can also be seen here.