Help explain the differences between similar association, close association, contrast association and opposition association (give a few examples). Thank you ~ ~ ~

Similar associations. The perception or memory of a thing causes the memory of something close to or similar to its nature, which is called similar association. For example, from spring to prosperity, from model workers to war heroes. Similar association reflects the similarity and * * * between things. General metaphors are based on similar associations, such as using storms to compare revolutionary situations and using pines and cypresses to describe strong will. Poetry is written in rhythm, and it is similar to think of words with the same rhyme from one word. Similar association is a generalization or generalization of temporary connection. Generalization is the same reaction to similar things before they are clearly distinguished, and generalization is the reaction to the same nature of different things.

Close to association. Things that are close in space or time are easy to form connections in experience, so it is easy for one thing to think of another. For example, when Tiananmen Square is mentioned, it is easy for people to think of the Monument to the People's Heroes because they are very close in space. The time for Peach Blossom and Flowing Water Mandarin Fish Fat is approaching. Spatial proximity and temporal proximity are also related, and things that are close in space must be close in perceived time. If the time of perception is close, the spatial distance is often close.

Contrast and association. The memory of things with opposite characteristics caused by the perception or memory of things is called contrastive association. For example, from darkness to light, from winter to summer and so on. Contrast and association not only reflect the uniqueness of things, but also reflect the opposing personality of things. You have to have sex to have an opposing personality. For example, both darkness and light are "brightness" (* * *), but the former is less bright and the latter is more bright. Summer and winter are seasons, but one is hot and the other is cold. In China, legal poems emphasize antithesis, and couplets are also widely used. The research of Chinese psychologists shows that Chinese children have rich contrastive associations. Contrast and association make it easy for people to see the opposite side of things and play an important role in understanding and analyzing things.

Is the opposite association the same as the contrast association?