Why did Li Yan, a loyal minister of the Three Kingdoms, cry to death?

Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan five times and led the northern expedition. Wherever the army went, Wei Jun was invincible, and Sima Yi was too scared to fight in the high city for three days. Zhang He, a famous Wei player, ignored Sima Yi's repeated advice and insisted on taking the initiative. As a result, Zhuge Liang deceived the enemy deeply. Not only was the whole army wiped out, but he was also shot dead by random arrows in the canyon. With the death of Zhang He, the morale of the Shu army was unprecedentedly high and full of momentum. However, just as Zhuge Liang was preparing to pursue his victory, he suddenly received an urgent letter from Li Yan, who was also an official he trusted. The letter said: "Lu Xun, a soldier from Soochow, committed Shu." Zhuge Liang did not dare to neglect this and immediately led his army back to Hanzhong. When the army arrived, Zhuge Liang was about to return to Chengdu to meet the late Liu Chan, but Fei Yi, the minister of history, hurried to the front of the army. As soon as they met, Fei Yi eagerly asked Zhuge Liang, "Why did the Prime Minister suddenly return to the army?" Zhuge Liang was at a loss for a moment, so he told Fei Yi that Li Yan sent an urgent letter saying, "Soochow has invaded and wants me to return to the division for rescue." Fee a listen to this a little at a loss. He said: "Li Yan made a prelude, and Shengdi said that the canteen has been provided. If the Prime Minister returns to the army for no reason, he will definitely surrender to Cao Cao. The son of heaven therefore ordered someone to ask. " Zhuge Liang was furious and immediately ordered someone to investigate. Only after investigation did I know that it was Li Yan who didn't rush the food and grass for fear that Zhuge Liang would be punished. He wrote that Zhuge Liang lied about his military situation, so that Zhuge Liang could form the fact of returning to the army, and then went to the latter to say that Zhuge Liang would surrender to Cao. Steal the bell and hide it at both ends to effectively shirk the responsibility of not urging food. Hearing this, Zhuge Liang immediately thought of suicide and ordered Li Yan to be brought for interrogation. At the critical moment, Fei Yi suggested that Li Yan and Zhuge Liang should be trusted as important officials and should not be beheaded, suggesting leniency. Zhuge Liang thought for a long time, felt that it was not unreasonable, and agreed. After Fei Yi returned to Chengdu, he wrote to Liu Chan and made a report in time. Liu Chan flew into a rage and ordered the samurai to immediately launch Li Yan to behead him. At this time, Fei Yi played again, saying that Prime Minister Zhuge read Li Yan's trust in an orphan and could not be easily cut off. Now that my father has said, Liu Chan naturally obeyed. However, although capital crime is exempted, living crime is inevitable and punishment is inevitable. In the end, Li Yan was reborn and exiled to Shu Ren. Later, Zhuge Liang asked Li Yan's son, Li Feng's stepfather, to continue collecting food and grass to ensure the supply of food and grass at the front. Supposedly, this matter has passed. While condemning Li Yan's disregard for the overall situation, we sincerely admire Zhuge Liang's generosity. But everyone knew at a glance that Zhuge Liang didn't kill Li Yan, not because he didn't want to, but because he accepted Fei Yi's suggestion. According to his original intention, even if Li Yan has ten heads, it is not enough to cut. This is not to say that Zhuge Liang is easy to kill. The key point is that at that critical moment in the struggle against the enemy, Li Yan not only failed to go all out, but also lied about his military situation. In this way, the fruits of victory that frontline soldiers exchanged with their lives were instantly wiped out, and all previous efforts were wasted. It is really unreasonable for such a crime not to be sentenced by military law. In this case, it is reasonable to kill Li Yan, and it is obviously extra-legal not to kill Li Yan. In this regard, Zhuge Liang, who has always been disciplined, will not be unclear. Perhaps because Fei Yi said that "orphans are all our responsibility", Zhuge Liang was afraid to kill Li Yan. After Li Yan didn't kill him, Zhuge Liang figured it out. He sent the Buddha to heaven, and the good man did it to the end. Not only did Li Yan's death penalty be avoided, but his son Li Feng was able to replace his father in time. How kind it is to be a prisoner, but now my son is a silver lining behind the dark clouds. Such treatment, how can you not let Li Yan's father and son feel ashamed for life, and how can you not die generously for it? Now that I think about it, Li Yan, an old man, really doesn't know how to live and act like a child. Not to mention doing badly, even if it is a fluke, how can you calm down the guilt for a lifetime? Fortunately, Li Yan knew that he was wrong, and later apologized to Zhuge Liang many times. It can be seen that although Li Yan is at fault, his conscience is still alive. It is precisely because of the repeated preservation of Zhuge Liang and Fei Yi that the Li and his son were saved from reviling and never forgotten for thousands of years. Of course, Li Feng's stepfather was also conscientious, and never delayed Zhuge Liang's arms expenditure because it was difficult to raise food and grass. Not to mention, Li Yan, who was guilty of the most heinous crimes, returned to the forest, but he missed Zhuge Liang's benefits all the time, and always warned his son that he must go all out to cooperate with Zhuge Liang's work. Heart for heart, loess becomes gold. What is even more touching is that when Zhuge Liang ordered the coffin to be lowered and escorted back to Chengdu. Hearing this, Li Yan hanged himself and went out of the city to meet the coffin. Finally, he was heartbroken and wept bitterly. There is an old saying in China that "be lenient with others". From this perspective, it is really full of wisdom and memorable.