Wang Xiang can't take off his clothes when his parents are ill. He takes care of them day and night, and tastes both soup and medicine first. The stepmother wanted to eat fresh fish, and she froze to death, and there was nowhere to buy it. Wang Xiang braved the cold wind to undress and lay on the ice on the river. The ice became warm and two carp jumped out. He happily took it home to show his respect for his stepmother.
This incident deeply touched the stepmother. After her stepmother died, Wang Xiang was heartbroken and buried according to the ceremony. Wang Xiang takes good care of his brother Wang Lan. Wang Lan has great respect for his brother, and his brothers, friends and brothers are all respected and famous. At that time, people called their residence "filial piety". The "filial piety" in Linyi still exists.
Extended data:
Introduction of the protagonist of Carp Sleeping on the Ice;
Wang Xiang (184-268), the word Hugh sign. Lang Xie is a native of Linyi (now Xixiaoyou Village, Linyi City, Shandong Province). Cao Wei and the ministers of the Western Jin Dynasty in the Three Kingdoms.
At the end of Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Xiang lived in seclusion for 20 years. In Cao Wei, he successively served as county magistrate, Si Nong, and Tai Wei. , and was dubbed the marquis. Established in the Western Jin Dynasty, worshiped Taibao, and entered the Sui Palace Bell to seal Hou.
Taishi died in the fourth year (268) at the age of eighty-five, and posthumous title was "Yuan". There is an article "The Legacy of Training Future Generations" passed down from generation to generation.
Wang Xiang served his stepmother with great filial piety, and was the master of "sleeping on ice as a carp", one of the 24 filial piety, and was called "filial piety".
Baidu Encyclopedia-Carp Sleeps on the Ice