Original works:
Confucius and Liu are friends and Liu's younger brother, and they are called "stealing feet". Nine thousand people stole their feet and died, running rampant all over the world and invading princes. Bridal chamber pivot households, driving people cattle and horses, with women. Too greedy to forget my relatives, regardless of my parents and brothers, not to worship my ancestors. Passing through the city, big countries guard the city, small countries enter the insurance, and the people suffer.
Confucius said to Liu, "If a husband is a father, he can call his son; Brothers can teach brothers. If a father can't write to his son and a brother can't teach his brother, there will be no relatives of your father and son. Mr. Jin is an outstanding person in the world. Brother steals his foot and harms the world, but Fu can teach it, and Qiu is ashamed of it. Qiu, please speak for your husband. "
Liu said, "Mr. Wang said that a father will be able to petition his son and a brother will be able to teach his brother." If a son does not obey his father's orders, his brother will not be taught a lesson by his brother. Although Mr. Wang's argument today is useless! Moreover, a person's feet are like springs, which shows that he is strong enough to stay away from the enemy and eloquent enough to decorate his own right and wrong. If you let it go, you will be happy, but if you do, you will be angry and easy to insult people. Mr. Wang will never leave. "
Vernacular translation
Confucius and Liu are friends, while Liu's younger brother is called Stealing Feet. There are 9,000 people stealing feet, running around the world, harassing governors of various countries; Break into houses, plunder cattle and horses, and rob women; Greedy for money, false marriage, regardless of parents and brothers, no ancestor worship. Where he passed, big countries avoided cities, small countries retreated into castles, and the people were scolded very hard by him.
Confucius said to Liu: "Parents can certainly warn their children, and brothers can certainly educate their younger brothers. If a father can't warn his children and a brother can't educate his brother, then the intimate relationship between father and son is of no value.
Now, sir, you are a wise man in the world, but your brother is called stealing feet, which has become a scourge in the world and can't be disciplined. I am secretly ashamed of my husband. I'm willing to help you convince him. "
Liu said: "Teacher Wang said that fathers can certainly warn their children and brothers can certainly educate their younger brothers. If the child doesn't listen to his father's warning and the brother doesn't accept his brother's education, even if Mr. Wang is eloquent today, what can he do? " What's more, people who steal their feet are active in their thoughts like a gushing spring, and their feelings change like a sudden storm.
Brave and strong enough to be an enemy, eloquent enough to cover up your mistakes, willing to obey your own wishes, lose your temper against your own wishes, and insult others with words at every turn. Sir, don't go to see him.