Wangsun means: children of nobles, etc. Surname.
Wang Sun, the pinyin is wáng sūn. The descendants of Wang Jue. Generally refers to the descendants of nobles, and was also used to address ordinary young men in ancient times. A reclusive person. friend. An old respectful name for people. From "Zuo Zhuan, the Sixteenth Year of Ai Gong": Wang Sun Ruoan stabilized the Chu Kingdom, rectified the royal family, and then protected Yan. The wish of enlightenment. Also refers to Han Yan, the favored minister of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty.
Comed from the surname Ji, after the king of Zhou, he took another name (or official title) as his surname. According to Wang Fu's "Qianfu Lun Zhi: Surname Chapter": "The Wangsun family and the Gongsun family are owned by the country. The Sun family is either the class of Wangsun or the class of Gongsun."
During the Zhou Dynasty , the grandsons of Zhou kings who serve as officials in the princely states are nicknamed Wangsun. Their descendants have the surname of their ancestors and are called Wangsun. In later generations, especially after the Ming Dynasty, many members of the Wangsun clan were renamed "Wang" or "Sun", so today there are very few people with the Wangsun surname.
The compound surname of Wangsun was derived from the surname changed by another clan. In modern times, there are Manchu, Mongolian, Hui, Miao, Yi, Dong, Yao, Tibetan, Uighur, Dai and other ethnic minority groups who changed their surnames to Wangsun in Sinicization.
Wang and Sun are a group of surnames with multiple origins. However, because they have been shortened to single surnames such as Wang and Sun, they are not included in the top five surnames in mainland China today. There are hundreds of people, and their county commanders are also subordinate to the zong branch commanders of the Wang family and the Sun family. Such as Taiyuan, Jingzhao, Tianshui, Zhongshan, Chenliu, Hedong, and Henan.