L1:I love you
3. French: I love you
4. German: I love you
5. Greek: σ ε α γ α π? se agapo
6. Hungarian: Sertlek
7. Irish: taim i'ngra leat
8. Estonian: mina armadtansind
9. Finnish: mina rakastan sinua
10, Belgian Flemish: ik zie u graag
1 1, Italian: Ti Amo
12, Latin: te amo vos amo
13, Latvian: Estevi Milu
14, Dutch: ik hou van jou
15, Danish: jeg elsker dig
16, Portuguese: eu amo-te
Lisbon 17: jargon Gramo
18, Lithuanian: tave myliu
19, Macedonian: Tesakam
20. Azerbaijani: Menseni Severem
2 1, Bengali: ami to may halobashi
22. Polish: kocham cie
23. Romanian: te tu be besc
24. Indian: Vivian
25. Czech: Milujit.
26. Maltese: inhobbok
27. Croatian: volim te
28. Burmese: chit pade
29. Bengali: āmi tomāke bhālobāshi
30. Cambodian: Fong Salang Ong
3 1, Filipino: mahal kita
32. Indonesian: saja kasih savdari
33. Japanese: してる?
34. Korean (Korean): (? )
35. Javanese: aku tresno marang sliromu
36. Old: Broad Leaf Island
37. Malaysian: saya citamu
38. Mongolian: бичамдхайртаййййййййи Bichamd Khartai.
39. Nepali: Matimilimaya
40. Persian: tora dost daram
4 1, Hindi: main tumse pyar karta hoon
42. Russian: ятебялюблюююютееблffffffffffff
43. Spanish: te amo/te quiero
44. Gujarati: hoon tanepvem karunchuun
45. Serbian: volim to
46. Swedish: jag? Iscar excavation
47. Turkish: seni seviyorum
48. Ukrainian: ятебекохаююккхккк.
49. Vietnamese: em ye'u anh/anh ye'u em.
50. Icelandic: for example, elska tigi
Extended data:
scientific analysis
Phenyl ethylamine's secretion is love and long-term attachment to love, which starts from five kinds of attraction (genes, etc.). ) and influenced by known factors such as distance, similarity and mutual attachment.
Brain science shows that when people fall in love, the brain will constantly release a set of specific chemicals, including neurotransmitter hormones, dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin and amphetamine (also known as amphetamine in foreign languages). The same compound stimulates the pleasure center of the brain, leading to side effects such as increased heart rate, loss of appetite, insomnia and extreme excitement.
Studies have shown that this stage usually lasts for one and a half to three years. Chemical triggers are responsible for passionate love and long-term attached love, which seems to be more especially the participation of two people than the sexual activities of a specific person.