1、isendmymisstoscatteringstarsandwashiyousweetddreamunderthelightsheddingthroughyour window。
I want to give my thoughts to the scattered stars. I hope that little starlight can shine into your window and accompany you to have a good dream.
Miss you every day. itisahardtimeformetomissyyoubutitisevenhardernotodoso . in cha reverse mood,Imissyoudeeply! AhappyValentinesDaytoyou!
In every missing day, it is not easy to miss you, and it is even harder not to miss you. I want to miss you deeply in an incomprehensible mood! Happy Valentine's Day!
3、iflivengontheearthisamissionfromthellord? livingwithyouistheawardofthelord。
If living is the greatest mission entrusted to me by God, then living with you is a gift from God.
4. In your own heart, you didn't find what you wanted.
With you, I lost myself. Without you, I hope I get lost again.
5. Love life, not loneliness.
Love is a chord of life, not a lonely solo.
I wish you happiness and well-being in the new year, when we share happiness, miss our good friends and make our dreams come true!
At this moment of sharing happiness, missing friends and realizing dreams, I wish you a happy New Year and a happy holiday!
Never stop smiling, even when you are sad.
Never stop smiling, not even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile.
Don't be sad because it is over, smile because it happened.
Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened.
For eternal friendship, please send sincerebresssandwargreetings tomyfriendshommisssomuch
An unswerving friendship, persistent thousands of blessings, and warm greetings to missing friends.
10, love wins. Lovehasnoage,nolimitandnodeath。
Love triumphs over everything. Love has no life, no limit and no death.