The most beautiful woman in the world is none other than the Chu Kingdom; the most beautiful person in the Chu Kingdom is none other than the minister; the most beautiful person among the minister is none other than the son of my employer. For the son of the master, if it is increased by one point, it will be too long; if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short; if it is powdered, it will be too white; if it is applied with red, it will be too red. The eyebrows are like green feathers, the muscles are like white snow, the waist is like a bunch of plain cloth, and the teeth are like plaited shells. A charming smile confuses Yangcheng and Cai. However, this woman has been climbing the wall to spy on the ministers for three years, and she has not allowed him to do so until now.
——Excerpted from Song Yu's "Ode to the Lustful Deng Tuzi"
When you look back and smile, you will be full of charm, the sixth palace has no color.
---Yang Yuhuan comes from Bai Juyi's "Song of Everlasting Sorrow"
The mouth is not pointed but it contains pills, the eyebrows are not painted but are green and green
As described, it seems to be slimming the body , Shy about rain and clouds of affection. What a charming move.
The eyebrows are as light as autumn water, and the jade skin is accompanied by the breeze
Xi Shi chants Wang Wei
The world is full of gorgeous colors, but Xi Shi is long and gentle? She was the girl who crossed the stream. , I was the concubine of the Wu Palace in the evening. I am not so different from others when I come to you. I only know how rare I am when I come to you. I invite people to apply makeup and powder, but I don’t wear Luo Yi. You are also pampered, and your pity is right and wrong. At that time, I was not allowed to ride with you in the car. Return. Thank you to the neighbor next door, and imitate An Kexi?
The hibiscus on the embroidered curtain smiles,
leaning against the precious duck and kissing the fragrant cheeks,
the eyes are moved. People guess.
The hands are like catkins, the skin is like condensed fat, the collar is like a cricket grub, the teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, the head is like a moth and the eyebrows are moth-like, the smile is charming, and the beautiful eyes are looking forward to it.
——From "The Book of Songs: Master"