Origin of the idiom about uncanny craftsmanship


Zi Qing whittled wood into a piece of wood and made it into a piece of wood. Those who saw it were astonished as ghosts and gods. When the Marquis of Lu saw this, he asked, "What skills do you think of me?" He said to him, "What skills do you, my servant, have? Although there is only one thing. I will be a warrior, and I will not dare to use up my energy. I must calm down together." On the third day of Qi, I didn't dare to celebrate and reward my honor; on the fifth day of Qi, I didn't dare to praise my skill and clumsiness; on the seventh day of Qi, I often forgot that I had four branches. The outer bones disappear; then go into the mountains and forests to observe the nature; then the body is complete, and then the body is formed, and then the hands are added; otherwise, it is done. The reason why the weapon is suspicious of the gods is because of it! "Da Sheng")

Vernacular interpretation

Zi Qing cut wood into a 鐻 (an ancient musical instrument, placed next to a bell, in the shape of a beast, originally made of wood, but later changed to cast in copper). He carved a falcon out of wood. The image was lifelike and lifelike. People who saw it were particularly surprised. They did not believe that it was made by man, but seemed to be made by the hands of ghosts and gods.

After seeing this 鐻, Luhou asked Zi Qing: "What magic did you use to make it?"

Zi Qing smiled and said: "I am a mortal, where can I What kind of magic is there? When I was making it, I concentrated on it and had no distracting thoughts. I didn't want to get any rewards, official titles, etc., but I forgot about fame and fortune and concentrated on how to make it. I even forgot about the shape of my limbs. Then I went to the mountains and looked carefully to find the right wood. At the same time, I had a piece of wood in my mind, and then carved it out by hand; Do it because of this.