2. There are many poems about filial piety ... Confucius said, "Life is about courtesy; When you die, you will be buried and sacrificed. "
When parents are alive, they should serve with courtesy; When you die, you should be buried and sacrificed according to etiquette. When Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Parents only worry about their illness."
Caring for parents' diseases is the key to filial piety. Confucius said, "If you don't travel far, you will travel easily."
It is to ask children to always be filial and filial in front of their parents, be completely convinced and not against their will. -"Book of Rites" has three filial piety: great respect for relatives, second humiliation, and support.
-The Book of Rites is the year of parents. One is joy and the other is fear.
-"The Analects of Confucius" Meng Wenxiao, Confucius said: "Parents only worry about illness." -"The Analects of Confucius is Politics" Parents love and love, and parents respect and respect them.
-Confucius is young and orderly. -Mencius is old, I am old, and people are old; Young people, young people, young people.
The world is in your hands. -Mencius dutiful son is the greatest respect for relatives.
-Mencius Only by filial piety can he relieve his worries. -Mencius and his son are close, the monarch and the minister are righteous, the husband and wife are different, the young and the old have a chat, and the friends have a letter.
-Mencius, which is bigger? Things are big; Keep, which is bigger? Make it bigger. I have heard of people who can serve their loved ones without losing their health; I've never heard of anyone who can serve their loved ones without their bodies.
Who is not doing something? Birds of a feather flock together, and things are based on it; Who's not guarding it? Keep your body and keep your base. -Meng Ziren is true, and his relatives are also; The truth of righteousness, from brother is also.
-Mencius can't kiss or be human; You can't be a child if you don't like your relatives. -Mencius A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world does not exist.
Parents exist, brothers have no chance, and they are happy; Yang is worthy of the sky, regardless of people, but also happy; It is three pleasures to be educated by talents in the world. A gentleman has three pleasures, and the king of the world does not exist.
-Mencius secular so-called unfilial five, lazy four, regardless of parents' support, a unfilial also; Boyi likes drinking, regardless of his parents' support, and is unfilial; Good wealth, private wife regardless of parental support, three unfilial; From the desire for eyes and ears, I thought that my parents were killed and four were unfilial; Brave and heartless, endangering parents, unfilial. -Mencius is an animal without a father and a king.
-Meng Zide inseparable, if life is not easy, if beauty and evil do not move. -"Lv Chunqiu" The dutiful son does not flatter the relatives, the loyal minister does not flatter the monarch, and the courtiers prosper.
Zhuangzi, who cares about his relatives, is very filial. -Zhuangzi philosophers, break its long and continue its short, do more harm than good, reach the article of love and respect, and the beauty of righteousness is also cultivated.
-Xunzi's Nature of Heaven and Earth, People are Precious; Man's trip is greater than filial piety, and filial piety is greater than strict father. -"filial piety, holy chapter" parents, people are also the foundation.
-Sima Qian is more beautiful than the three sacrifices. -father and son don't believe, the family is not harmonious.
-Wu Zetian, but how much you love an inch of grass, you will get three spring rays. -Meng Jiao People who live in harmony have rich families.
-Lin Bu's filial piety is universal. -Su Zhe The elders stand, the young don't sit, the elders sit, and life is sitting.
Before you respect your elders, you should lower your voice and ignore them, but this is not appropriate. Advance is inevitable, retreat is inevitable, ask why, and it is already fixed.
-Li Yuxiu All parents love their son. -Chen Hongmou waits on parents, and her voice is easy to calm down. Don't yell at them for trifles.
-Zhou Bingqing elder asked, don't bully people; The order of the elders, don't be late; Older people give, but dare not return. -Zhou Bingqing A loving mother loves her son and asks nothing in return.
[Han] Liu An was pregnant heavily in October, but the reward was light. Song of Persuading Filial Piety is a one-foot-three-inch treasure, which has been a work for ten years and eight years.
The mother of "Song of Persuading Filial Piety" said that the child lay dry and the mother fell asleep wet. "Song of Persuading Filial Piety" is not seen by the mother, and the child is uneasy.
My mother is one hundred years old and often reads eighty children. Before "Song of Persuading Filial Piety", the prodigal son is not cold.
Song of Persuading Filial Piety is full of love and hardship. Who knew my parents when they hurt me? "Children's Words Are Unbridled" The bald mother hid her face and cried, and her shirt sleeves were broken. [Tang] Han Yu's mother instrument hangs down, the tube is bright, and the night platform is silent.
Mottos, a thread in the hand of a loving mother, makes clothes for her wayward son's body. Before leaving, I had a stitch for fear that my son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged.
Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring? Meng Jiao used to live in and chose a neighbor.
In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. The mother of Saint Amethyst, the first relative on earth; Motherly love is the first love in the world.
Strictly speaking, the only uncontaminated love in the world is maternal love. When Yan Yan succeeds, everyone is a friend.
But only mother-she is the partner of failure. Zheng Zhenduo mourned his parents and gave birth to me.
The Book of Songs has neither father nor mother. The Book of Songs is the virtue of the father and the legacy of the son. Clear pronunciation and mellow voice, parents respected; Give children a good education.
Don't be happy to have a son, and don't sigh without one. [Tang] Han Yu people see that boys and girls are good, but they don't know that men and women make people old.
[Tang] Wang Jian's parents are both on earth; The rarest person in the world, brother. Motto Lian Bi is the best parent in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world.
My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed, caressed, nursed, nurtured, cared and answered me. In the Book of Songs, the father is unkind and the son is unfilial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy.
[Southern and Northern Dynasties] Yan Zhitui did not have a good father and brother in his life, nor did he have a strict teacher and friend outside, but few people succeeded. [Song] Lv Gongzhu's parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents.
"The epigram Lian Bi" is a bit sentimental, but an inch of grass is reported to Meng Jiao.
3. Who has a famous saying or poem about filial piety? Parents only worry about getting sick. -Meng
Today's filial piety is to be able to raise. As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. Disrespect, why not! -Freedom
Disciples will take care of difficulties; There is wine and food, sir. Is it filial piety? Xia Zi
Parents, after several exhortations, do not follow their wishes, but also respect them and have no complaints about their work. -Confucius said
If your parents are here, you must travel well if you don't travel far. -Confucius said
The year of parents is indispensable. One is joy and the other is fear. -Confucius said
Father is observing his will, but father is not observing his behavior; Three years without changing your father's ways can be described as filial piety. -Confucius said
I am old, and people are old. I am young and I am young.
After three times, I remembered two relatives, and I was very grateful to Heaven and Earth.
Give birth to me, bow me, support me, how difficult it is for me to get in and out of my abdomen.
I want to repay my kindness in my life, and Wu Tian is extremely useless to me.
If you are obedient, you will not be rewarded. If you dare to be ungrateful, you will be rebellious.
The origin of this state is filial piety, and there is Zeng Li Shen in the county.
Later, because he avoided the name of a great saint, he was named Yang Zhi in Yi Li.
People who are known to have filial piety are still fragrant.
People's hearts are far apart, and former sages are not filial.
Vulgar is thin, evil is good, and owl is fierce.
It is a habit not to consider the kindness of parents, and it is a habit to violate morality and etiquette.
When you feed the dog back, you are the dog's slave.
When you are a sheep, you are a mouse.
Although it is not inevitable, I am afraid.
Once you blame yourself, you are not qualified for my education.
I used to work in your town, and I saw people and their mothers competing with each other.
Because the mother and son cried their filial piety, they turned to a new respect.
I sue you for what goes around comes around, and you should learn to forgive old sins.
Once upon a time, it was hard to say what the reward was, and there were days of filial piety.
The five punishments are the most unfilial, so listen to them fiercely.
The official law is in sight, and it is lightly edited and redistributed.
If you escape the official punishment, you will be punished by heaven.
Liu Ding in anger, there is no way to turn over a new leaf.
4. The famous saying about filial piety, Poetry loves me, why is it difficult to be filial? Love me, Xiao Fangxian. -"Disciples Rules"
The cultivation of dutiful sons is also fun and does not go against his will. -Book of Rites
There are three kinds of filial piety: great respect for relatives, followed by humiliation, which can be raised. -Book of Rites
The year of parents is indispensable. One is joy and the other is fear. -The Analects of Confucius
When Meng asked about filial piety, Confucius said, "Parents only worry about illness." -"The Analects of Confucius is Politics"
Parents love what they love, and parents respect it. -Confucius
Young and old are orderly. -Mencius
I am old, and people are old; Young people, young people, young people. The world is in your hands. -Mencius
Being a dutiful son is nothing more than respect for your loved ones. -Mencius
Only filial piety can relieve worries. -Mencius
5. A complete collection of poems about filial piety is 1. A loving mother loves her son and asks nothing in return. -Liu Han An
2. Parents do whatever they want, and I will continue to describe it; I cherish the thoughts of those parents. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
3, the old white-headed mother covered the door and the sleeve was broken. -Don Han Yu
4. Being a parent is the best in the world; Being a child is the greatest filial piety in the world. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
5. There is no virtuous father and brother in life, and there is no strict teacher and good friend outside, so success is rare. -Gong
6. One-foot-three baby, ten-year-old and eight-year-old job. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
7. When the mother instrument hangs down, it is the bright tube and the quiet night platform. -"aphorisms"
8. The father is not kind and the son is not filial; A brother who is not a friend is disrespectful; If the husband is unfair, the woman will be unhappy.
9. Take care of me and reply to me. -The Book of Songs
10, the prodigal son has a loving mother and doesn't feel cold. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
1 1, the thread in the hands of a loving mother, making clothes for the wayward boy's body. Before leaving, I had a stitch for fear that my son would come back late and his clothes would be damaged. Who can say that a filial child like the weak can repay his mother's love like the sunshine in spring? -Tang Mengjiao
12, my mother is one hundred years old and often reads eighty children. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
13, all parents in the world; () The rarest brother in the world. -"aphorisms are interlocking"
14, I love you so much that I don't know my parents? Children's language
15, parents are highly respected; Give children a good education. -"epigram couplet"
16, people see that it is good to have boys and girls, but they don't know that men and women will make people old. -Don Wang Jian
17, the mother said that the child was lying dry and the mother was asleep and wet. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
18, what's wrong without mom and dad? -The Book of Songs
19, the woman is not happy. -Yan Zhitui in the Northern and Southern Dynasties
20. My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed to me, caressed me, nurtured me, grew me and nursed me.
2 1, Meng Mu, choose a neighbor. In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. -"Saint Amethyst"
22. Don't be happy if you have children, and don't sigh if you don't have children. -Don Han Yu
23, October, the baby is heavy, and the reward is light. -"Song of Persuading Filial Piety"
6. Poems about filial piety 1, don't be old.
Huang Qing Ren Jing
The bow curtain goes to the mother river beam, and the tears are white.
This is a tragic snowy night in Chai Men. It is better to have children than nothing at this time.
Because I had to go to He Liang to make a living, I opened the curtain and reluctantly said goodbye to my old mother. Seeing my white-haired old mother, I couldn't help crying and my tears dried up.
On this snowy night, it's a pity that we can't be filial to our mother, but we have to hide Chai Men's tragic death. What's the use of adopting a son? I still don't want it.
2, Xuan Mo map, a.
Yuan Dynasty: Wang Mian
A loving mother leans against the door, but a wanderer cannot walk.
May the sun be sparse and the day be fearful.
A kind mother leaned against the door, expecting her child. It's too difficult for a wanderer to travel far away! The support for parents is alienated every day, and the news of children is not reached every day.
3. Cry at midnight
Tang Bai Juyi
Once upon a time, there was a Wu Qizhe whose mother died.
What disciple, the heart is not as good as a bird.
Once upon a time, there was a man named Wu Qi who didn't care about his mother's death. Alas, such people, their hearts are really worse than animals!
4, yuan two songs
Wang Ming Shouren
I remember turning to many happy things. Xiaozong once lifted the ban on Liang Gong.
At this time, Yuyao's hall is brightly lit, my brothers and sisters are here, and my parents must miss me alone in the distance.
5. Qinyuan Spring Topic Chaoyang Zhang Xu Ergong Temple
Tian Xiang, Wen Song
What's wrong with dying for filial piety and loyalty?
A son can die of filial piety, and a minister can die of loyalty. It was a fair death.
7. Five to ten famous sayings about benevolence and filial piety, the poet can be kind to others, but not to me; You can be righteous to others, but you can't make others be righteous to me. -Lu Lianzi
Always thinking about the urgency of the country and dying for it. -Sima Qian
How to become famous when the national humiliation is not over? -Li Bai
It is shameful to serve the country and die, but it is never too green to face others. -Lu you
Parents are just worried about their illness. -Meng
Today's filial piety is to be able to raise. As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. If disrespectful, why not? -Freedom
Disciples will take care of difficulties; There is wine and food, sir. Is it filial piety? Xia Zi
After several exhortations from my parents, I still didn't do what I wanted. I never obeyed, worked hard and had no complaints. -Confucius said.
When parents are here, don't travel far, so you must travel well. -Confucius said
You must know your parents' age. One is happy and the other is afraid. -Confucius said.
Father is observing his will, but father is not observing his behavior; If you don't change your father's ways for three years, it is filial piety. -Confucius said.