How many moments are there in an instant? How many lives and deaths are there in an instant? Ask for an explanation at the same time.

1, Interpretation of Six Monks' Laws:

A moment is an idea.

Twenty thoughts are a moment.

Twenty seconds is just a flick of a finger.

Twenty refers to a stroke in advance.

Twenty dollars is a moment in advance.

There are thirty moments in a day and a night = 24 * 60 * 60 = 86,400 seconds.

That is, there are 4.8 million moments a day and a night.

240,000 moments

12000 fingers

30 minutes

A day and night is 86400 seconds, and an instant is 2880 seconds (48 minutes).

A flick of your finger is 7.2 seconds.

A moment is 0.36 seconds.

The moment is only 0.0 18 seconds.

2. In the twelfth volume of "Give Up All", it is said that a strong man has sixty-four moments at a flick of his finger.

3. The Classic of Benevolence says that there are 90 moments in one thought, and 900 lives and deaths are in one moment.

4. According to the Records of the Western Regions of Datang, one hundred and twenty moments are called a moment, and a moment means "a moment".