There is a tortoiseshell mountain on a stone island in the sea of ??Yazhou, and its caves are all nested by swallows. The big swallow is like a bird, eating fish and spitting saliva in order to prepare for the loss of feathers in the winter moon. The natives wear leather clothes and hats, holding candles to explore them. Yan is frightened and jumps at people. He is old and weak, or he may die from a cliff. Therefore, there are those who gain much and those who return empty-handed. It is a bird's nest dish.
The spring mud of Yanyu fell into the Jinyan Banquet, and it has been graceful in the nest for a hundred years. The beautiful moustache will finally be promoted to Sikong, and people can sit and sing and dance.
The ancient bronze tripod emerges from the swallow fat spots, and the marble nest is deep in the lake and stone mountain. Who will come back to Chaimen after old age? The two friends from Tianjiao spend their leisure time together.
The plum blossoms look forward to the east wind with faith, and they must wait for the father's return to fill the road with fragrance. The year has passed. It often rains late at night in Bashan. Announcement and summons, Kai is still in clusters, want to see the longevity wine cup. Sweep away the swarm of idle embroidery axes. The sound of stacked drums in spring brings joy to the end of the year. The swords and shoes in Yantai are interesting and sharp, and the silver letter whispers good words. The sable fur is taken off. The elbow seals reflect three groups. But when I focus on the province, I come to the west to fight for water, and I forget to love Qing to get it.
The beauty of Cixi’s ice bird’s nest is so abundant that she retains her eternal youth. The catkins are condensed with fat, and the beauty is beautiful, and the white clouds are dancing.
Haiyan is homeless and vying for the title of little white fish. But it is for people to eat. I wonder if you can live in peace. The taste is full of gold and beauty, and the jade base of the nest camp is empty. When a high-ranking official seeks something far away, he should present Lin Shu as early as possible.
The apricot forest outside Yong'an Hall is full of spring, and its wonderful hands return to heaven to help the world. Cordyceps sinensis is hidden deep in the pavilion, and bird's nests are wonderful for strengthening the body and mind.
Bird's nest is a rare treasure in the world, and the swiftlet's nest does not need mud. Is it amazing to find whitebait in the river and make a nest of people?
Cordyceps sinensis is hidden deep in the pavilion, and bird's nests are wonderful for strengthening the body and mind.
In several places, early orioles compete for warmth in the trees, while new swallows peck at the spring mud.
It is spring in March so close to home, in the homes of ordinary people. In order to welcome the arrival of new swallows, the old curtains are not covered. The wings are wet with light rain, and the scent of mud carries fallen flowers. The chicks grow up from the nest and spend the years together.
We are familiar with the fact that the thatched cottage is extremely small, and the swallows on the river come frequently. The mud in the mouth stains the piano and the book, and flying insects hit people.
Among the reed flowers on the ground and I are old, who will the swallows from my old home fly next to? From now on, we will leave Jiangnan Road and return home in the form of a cuckoo with blood.
Returning to Yan recognizes the old nest, and the old sees the new calendar.
A pair of swallows flew from nowhere, and for a moment they were holding on to the west of the painted beam.
The chrysanthemums on the threshold are worried about the mist, orchids are weeping with dew, the curtains are light and cold, and the swallows are flying away. The bright moon does not know the pain of separation and hatred, and the slanting light penetrates Zhuhu at dawn.