Yu Xin's Song of Willows There are hundreds of willow branches by the river, and there are many long ones hanging down to the ground. The river water rushes the roots and plants, and suddenly the wind and waves blow in the river. Poor Phoenix child in the nest, we were separated that year for no reason. As soon as Liu Cha went up to Tianchi, Weaver Girl immediately followed her. Who said that it has always provided shade to several countries, just a small branch from the southeast. In the past, when the young master left Nanpi, where could he find Xuanwu Pi? The horse gallops gracefully to the northwest, bending left and right to look up to the moon branch. Riding across the water with money barriers and mud, the white jade hand plate falls on the plate. Jun said that her husband was not angry, so he asked about the monument in Yanshan. Xiao Shi, the new manager of the phoenix, blows, and the beautiful girl peeks out of the spring window of the red bird. The wine cup holding the cloud is agate, and the eclipse snail shines with purple glass. A hundred years of frost and dew are about to leave, and once the fame is over, it is impossible to achieve it. It must be that King Huai made a mistake and used Zhang Yi again when nothing happened. It's better to drink in Gaoyang Pool and pick it up when you return home at dusk. Whoever sees the movement below Wuchang City can tell in front of Guandu Camp. I recall that under the goose feathers flying in the catkins, there is no longer a black silk horse tail hanging down. If I want to leave a song with the plum blossoms, I will play the flute. Liu Yong Yuchi Cup favors beauties. It’s hard to compare even Jiuqu’s celebrities. The natural tender face is repaired without fake Zhu Bacui. Full of autumn water. Elegant and coquettish before speaking. Every time we meet each other, the moonlight and the sunset, the flowers are in the morning, there is pity and deep meaning. Prepare phoenix pillow and mandarin duck quilt. In the depths, the branches and jade trees lean against each other. I am very happy when I am very sleepy, the hibiscus tent is warm, it is not annoying. Love affairs, rare beauty. The situation has ended, and the fragrant clouds are oaths of alliance. Moreover, Xiangjiang and Xiangxi have been happy all their lives, and they are not willing to divorce lightly.
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